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1 Jun 20, 2011 20:42    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

Ok, this may be an odd one. I can't get my host to switch me to PHP 5 and I can't move to a new one just yet. So, I set up twitterfeed, which pulls my RSS feed and posts to my twitter account. The problem is, I have two options: title or description (which is the actual post). I want it to pull my except instead. But I don't want my actual RSS feed that people use to have just the excerpt. So I want to build a custom RSS skin that will publish the excerpt as the main content. Is there a way to do this, is this only something that can be set in the blog settings?

2 Jun 20, 2011 22:32

You will need to duplicate existing RSS skin and edit it a bit.

  1. create a copy of /skins/_rss2/ directory and name it _rss2_twit

  2. open new directory and edit _skin.class.php, on the line 20 set "_rss2_twit_Skin". You can also change skin name if you want

  3. edit file index.main.php in the same directory, remove one "=" sign on line 122. The line should read "if( $feed_content = 'excerpt' )"

  4. go to backoffice and install new skin on Global Settings > Skins[/list:o]

  5. See if the skin is working

3 Jun 20, 2011 23:04

That works great! Thank you!

4 Jun 26, 2011 19:07

Thanks for this!!

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