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1 Sep 29, 2011 14:27    

My b2evolution Version: 4.x

Just attempted to upload from a local server (working OK) to a live server.

the _basic config.php file has been changed to:
1. identify correct $db_config parameters depending on localserver/live
2. include an debug error handler as my live host blocks error reporting.

The error made visible on going to blogs/ is:
"29 Sep 2011 14:14:09","/.../blogs/inc/sessions/_sessions.init.php: 335","(PHP Strict error) Declaration of sessions_Module::check_perm() should be compatible with that of Module::check_perm()"

I do not understand the error or how to resolve it.
I would obviously not wish to tinker inside _sessions.init.php if it can be avoided.

[PHP version 5.2.17]

2 Sep 30, 2011 07:26

It's a bug.

For now you may have to lower error reporting level and disable E_STRICT

3 Sep 30, 2011 10:24

Thank you for your reply.

I assume it is a bug in b2evo. Are there any plans for a fix soon?

I have tried to disable E_STRICT by inserting a line:
at the top of _basic_config.php (as E_STRICT is not included in E_ALL)

This doesn't seem to work!

Am I including error_reporting() too soon - session mot started yet? or too late - the error has alreadty been encountered?

or should I be using ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
or is it being set different somewhere else inside b2evo?

4 Sep 30, 2011 18:55

or should I be using ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);

You should be able to use either one. See the top of /conf/_advanced.php

Also try to change it in php.ini

I assume it is a bug in b2evo. Are there any plans for a fix soon?

Hopefully in 4.1.1

5 Oct 01, 2011 09:32

sam2kb wrote:

Also try to change it in php.ini

Thank you very much.
This seems to have resolved the problem. The Live now appears the same as the localhost (development) platform and we can move forward.

6 Oct 07, 2011 02:24

Just a quick note to let you know this is on our todo list. it will be fixed soon.

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