2 sam2kb Nov 17, 2011 18:22

sam2kb wrote:
Why can't you just put a Free HTML widget in "post buttom" container?
Because I... uh... don't have that container? Also, the footer option doesn't work, because I want the message at the top of the posts, where intro posts appear. I want to make extra clear to the user why s/he is where s/he is, and nobody looks at the bottom.
Also, the code you offer maybe would work fine, but it would be a pain to maintain if blogs are added or removed. Clearly we need a per-blog intro type.
Also, thanks. ;)
Then just create a "Post top" container in your skin ;)
skin_container( NT_('Post Top'), array(
'block_start' => '<div class="PostTop $wi_class$">',
'block_end' => '</div>',
) );
Oh, great suggestion! That will work for now.
You're a genius, Sam, and I maintain my offer of a free beer whenever you come to Argentina.
Why can't you just put a Free HTML widget in "post buttom" container? Or write some text in post footer on Blog settings > Advanced? Those notes will not be displayed in any other blogs.