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1 Nov 17, 2011 16:11    

We need a specific category of intro post for anything in a particular blog, even another individual post.

For example, I need to have an intro post that displays in a blog that lets the user know that it's part of a multiblog and provides a link to go to that multiblog. Obviously this message should appear in every possible page in the blog (individual post, homepage, category, search page), but NOT in the multiblog. This doesn't exist currently.

The only way to do it that I can think of is edit the skin .php of the individual blog, but as I am using the same skin for all blogs, with different CSS to differentiate them, I can't take that route.

Is it clear what I want? I want the visitor to see this message:

"HEY! Maybe you don't know it, but you are in only one of many blogs that are part of THIS WONDERFUL MULTIBLOG (link). You can navigate this individual blog from the HOME (link) or go there to see everything that has been posted in all blogs."

whenever s/he visits the individual blog, be it from a link to a post, from a search, from a category link, from a faved homepage, etc. We can't do that currently.

2 Nov 17, 2011 18:22

Why can't you just put a Free HTML widget in "post buttom" container? Or write some text in post footer on Blog settings > Advanced? Those notes will not be displayed in any other blogs.

but as I am using the same skin for all blogs, with different CSS to differentiate them, I can't take that route.

global $Blog;

switch( $Blog->urlname )
    case 'myblog':
        echo 'This text is printed only in My Blog';

if( $Blog->ID == 6 )
    echo 'this is blog #6';

3 Nov 17, 2011 18:48

sam2kb wrote:

Why can't you just put a Free HTML widget in "post buttom" container?

Because I... uh... don't have that container? Also, the footer option doesn't work, because I want the message at the top of the posts, where intro posts appear. I want to make extra clear to the user why s/he is where s/he is, and nobody looks at the bottom.

Also, the code you offer maybe would work fine, but it would be a pain to maintain if blogs are added or removed. Clearly we need a per-blog intro type.

5 Nov 17, 2011 18:56

Then just create a "Post top" container in your skin ;)

skin_container( NT_('Post Top'), array(
		'block_start'   =>  '<div class="PostTop $wi_class$">',
		'block_end'    =>  '</div>',
	) );

6 Nov 17, 2011 19:21

Oh, great suggestion! That will work for now.

You're a genius, Sam, and I maintain my offer of a free beer whenever you come to Argentina.

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