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1 Sep 15, 2004 23:32    


Is there a possibility to search in more than one blog from a search box? Currently the search does only include the current blog but not my other ones.

Any idea? Thanks a lot.


2 Sep 16, 2004 00:04

Here's what I use on my blog.

Put this in your _main.php file, or wherever the search box is located:

		<form method="get" class="search" action="<?php 
			$savedBlog = $Blog;
			$savedblog = $blog; 
			$blog = 1; 
			$Blog = $savedBlog; 
			$blog = $savedblog ?>">
    <input type="text" name="s" size="18" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($s) ?>" />
		<select name="sentence">
			<option value="AND" selected="selected">All Words</option>
			<option value="OR">Some Word</option>
			<option value="SENTENCE">Exact Phrase</option>
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php echo T_('Search') ?>" />

It's important to handle both $Blog (the object) and $blog (the number). This will search all blogs.

3 Sep 16, 2004 00:35

It works! Thanks a lot!

Seem to have only one problem: The selection "Exact phrase" seems not to work. It finds the same as "All words".

I tried to set the varible in lower case letters so it reads "sentence" instead of "SENTENCE" and then it seems to work!?

4 Mar 14, 2005 15:45

Issac, I also was trying to search all my blogs and tried your method, but it didn't work for me. Do you happen to know what else may be the problem. Thanks.

5 Aug 07, 2005 02:16

isaac wrote:

Here's what I use on my blog.

Put this in your _main.php file, or wherever the search box is located:

		<form method="get" class="search" action="<?php 
			$savedBlog = $Blog;
			$savedblog = $blog; 
			$blog = 1; 
			$Blog = $savedBlog; 
			$blog = $savedblog ?>">
    <input type="text" name="s" size="18" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($s) ?>" />
		<select name="sentence">
			<option value="AND" selected="selected">All Words</option>
			<option value="OR">Some Word</option>
			<option value="SENTENCE">Exact Phrase</option>
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php echo T_('Search') ?>" />

It's important to handle both $Blog (the object) and $blog (the number). This will search all blogs.

What do you mean by handle? What should be changed? Can you provide an example? Let's say I want to search Blog 6, 8 and 10.

Thanks for your help!

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