1 tilqicom Mar 04, 2012 06:55
3 tilqicom Mar 04, 2012 22:41
sam2kb wrote:
It's easy, just use this method
function UnfilterItemContents( & $params ) { $params['content'] .= '<div class="author-inf"></div>'; return true; }
nah that was just an example. You may not want the whole post. or insert it at the end.
Maybe you just want to wrap a sentence in the middle of the post, or maybe insert a custom download button etc.
4 sam2kb Mar 05, 2012 00:43
Then you may want to look at [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=23895]More Quick Tags[/url] plugin I've just released
It's easy, just use this method