2 tilqicom Mar 22, 2012 00:53

Well, the fix I had in mind would be something like "if the # of posts is longer than x pixels stop at the last post" or "before the last post" ... does that make sense?
still doesnt make sense to me but, how much is "X" pixels going to be ? 720px ? 800 ? 960 ? and why would you really need that
Well, let's say I have 5 short posts on the first page, totally maybe 1500px (obviously some scrolling down), then on the next page I have 1 really long post that's 1300px on it's own, but then, with the next 4 posts my page is like 4000px long. So on page 1 you scroll a little, but then on page 2 you have to scroll forever to get to the bottom because the post length is so long on the 1st post. What I'm talking about would be something that says "make any post(s) that goes past X pixels be the last post on a page" That way, the page length would be standardized even with different length posts.
Ethan5150 wrote:
Well, let's say I have 5 short posts on the first page, totally maybe 1500px (obviously some scrolling down), then on the next page I have 1 really long post that's 1300px on it's own, but then, with the next 4 posts my page is like 4000px long. So on page 1 you scroll a little, but then on page 2 you have to scroll forever to get to the bottom because the post length is so long on the 1st post. What I'm talking about would be something that says "make any post(s) that goes past X pixels be the last post on a page" That way, the page length would be standardized even with different length posts.
I think you are mixing apples with oranges.afaic, you can not tell b2evo to load 1-2 posts instead of 5 if the posts exceed a given pixel height.
However you can hack the view with javascript.
* You wouldnt be able to actually load 1 post, so your actual posts page pagination would stay same.You would again load 5 posts, however you could split and view them one after another.
To do this;
1- wrap posts with div id="post_id".
2- Get Y positions of each post_id div
3- wrap the exceeding posts in a second div lets say <div class="exceeding_posts"></div> and hide it.insertBefore(".exceeding_posts") <a id="showNextExc">More Posts in this page</a>
4- Hide the "not exceeding" posts and Bring them "exceeding posts" into display
But of course you would have to do this in a generic way if you want it to be fail-safe.
I dont know maybe it's a lot of work and there's an easier way
Ok, yeah, that sounds like a lot of work, and it's not super important, I just thought it would be handy in a future rev. Not highest on the priority list for sure though!
That doesnt make sense (: This is why there is a scrollbar.You wouldnt want to see half of a post if you limit it by pixels.You must have a scrollbar for fail-safe measures.(Not even going into resolution matter)
However you can;
a.) truncate the posts at a certain limit and append a read more, so you can set a max-height for each post and know your limit.
b.) Let posts run long but instead of browser scroll, you can have your page's height 100% and have an inner scroll, be that page / post scroll.
c.) You can use @media queries and show lets say 5 or 3 or 1 post depending on the resolution of the visitor.
These are the viable options off the top off my head