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1 Apr 20, 2012 06:18    

My b2evolution Version: 4.1.x

I am using the advanced search widget and would like to insert the code into another area that is not a container.

I am trying to use an image for the search button and replaced:

echo '<input type="submit" name="submit" class="search_submit submit" value="'.T_('Search').'" />';


echo '<input type="image" src="img/submit.ico" class="search_submit submit" value="'.T_('Search').'" />';

in the _coll_search_form.widget.php to no avail

I also would like the search and form inline and thus inserted:

.widget_core_coll_search_form p { display: inline !important }

into the style.css

Neither is working. Any ideas?


2 Oct 05, 2012 20:59

For the search to actually work, input name attribute must be "s"

<input name="s" ...

Form is loading...