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1 Aug 28, 2012 08:14    

Bonjour, mon blog b2evolution 0.9.2 sont partis tous les messages (mille) = "Désolé, pas d'article à afficher", mais si je vais à la page d'admin je les vois.
Comment puis-je les voir dans mon blog?
J'ai aussi remplacer tous les fichiers sans résultat.
Je vous remercie pour résoudre ce problème.
Au revoir.
Mon Blog:

2 Sep 03, 2012 20:42

That's weird, I don't even see posts using a stock skin. Have you uploaded a fresh copy of /inc directory already?

3 Sep 03, 2012 21:36

I have not changed the directory. directory is always the same. But I reloaded all files ..

4 Sep 03, 2012 21:50

Have you tried another skin?
What version of PHP are you using, has it changed recently?

5 Sep 03, 2012 22:01

Yes, I tried with other skins. phpMyAdmin - in the main.php I have not changed anything. But I had already done it before without any problems

6 Sep 03, 2012 22:08

I mean PHP version, like 5.2.x or 5.3.x

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