2 edb Jan 05, 2005 22:29

List all posts in the category of the post currently displayed. Only works on single-post pages. In _main.php add this to the posts loop:
if( $disp == 'single' ) {
$post_id_is = $Item->get('ID');
$main_cat_is = $Item->get('main_cat_ID');
Next add this to the sidebar:
<?php if( $disp == 'single' ) { ?>
<div class="bSideItem">
<h3>In this category</h3>
<?php require( dirname(__FILE__).'/_inthiscategory.php' ); // POSTS IN THIS CATEGORY INCLUDED HERE ?>
<?php } ?>
Finally add this as _inthiscategory.php to your skins/skinname folder:
/* This lists posts in a specific category. It is supposed to be a sidebar
* item for single-post pages because it lists other posts according to the
* current post's category. Pretty snazzy eh?
* Another outstanding hack by EdB @http://wonderwinds.com
* b2evolution - {@link http://b2evolution.net/}
* Released under GNU GPL License - {@link http://b2evolution.net/about/license.html}
* @copyright (c)2003-2004 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link http://fplanque.net/}
* @package evoskins
* @subpackage your_skin_name
if( !defined('DB_USER') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );
if( $disp != 'single' ) {
return true;
# You can customize the following as you wish:
# maximum number of inthiscat entries to display:
$inthiscat_limit = 24;
# show inthiscat word count? true/false
$inthiscat_word_count = false;
# show inthiscat post author? true/false
$inthiscat_author = false;
# inthiscat global delimiters:
$inthiscat_main_start = '';
$inthiscat_main_end = '';
# inthiscat item delimiters:
$inthiscat_item_before = '<li>';
$inthiscat_item_after = "</li>\n";
# inthiscat item currently displayed additional markup:
$inthiscat_item_current_before = '<em>';
$inthiscat_item_current_after = '</em>';
// --- the crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe --- //
$sql = "SELECT ID, post_title, post_wordcount FROM $tableposts JOIN $tablepostcats ON ( post_category = postcat_cat_ID ) WHERE ID = postcat_post_ID AND post_status = 'published' AND postcat_cat_ID = $main_cat_is ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT $inthiscat_limit";
$results = $DB->get_results($sql);
echo $inthiscat_main_start;
if ($results) {
foreach ($results as $result) {
$lid = $result->ID;
$word_count = $result->post_wordcount;
$post_title = stripslashes($result->post_title);
$title = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($result->post_title));
$NewItem = Item_get_by_ID( $lid );
$permalink = $NewItem->gen_permalink( '', '', false, '&' );
echo $inthiscat_item_before;
if( $lid == $post_id_is ) {
echo $inthiscat_item_current_before.$title.$inthiscat_item_current_after;
} else {
echo '<a href="'.$permalink.'" title="link to '.$post_title.' post">'.$title.'</a>';
if( $inthiscat_word_count || $inthiscat_author ) {
$closing_bit = ' <span class="dimmed">(';
if( $inthiscat_word_count ) {
$closing_bit = $closing_bit.$word_count.' words';
if( $inthiscat_word_count && $inthiscat_author ) {
$closing_bit = $closing_bit.' ';
if( $inthiscat_author ) {
$auth_pref_name = $NewItem->Author->get('preferedname');
$closing_bit = $closing_bit.'by '.$auth_pref_name;
$closing_bit = $closing_bit.')</span>';
echo $closing_bit;
echo $inthiscat_item_after;
} else {
echo $inthiscat_item_before;
echo 'How can this be? There\'s nothing to display!';
echo $inthiscat_item_after;
echo $inthiscat_main_end;
A little bit more info is available at http://wonderwinds.com/weblog.php/2004/12/25/list_posts
I just discovered that the version of this I am currently using will hit the 30 second php limit when you preview a post. I do not know if the version here does the same thing, but if it does there is a very easy fix for it. The bit that goes in your _main.php needs another if statement. Like so:
In plain english: if you're on a single post and you're not on a preview then do it up, otherwise bag it.