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1 Jan 13, 2005 00:27    

I have made a theme for b2evolution and would like to be able to offer it the the community here if its acceptiable .

I know there is a skin submishion page, but would like to see if anyone has any problems with styles, codeing, validation etc and if you have please bring them up here and ill try and address them

If i remember correctley i copeyed the code (to show the post and the menu) from the bluesky theme . The layout for the blog came from my site,

2 Jan 13, 2005 00:51

It fails xhtml validation. Lots of the 20 items relate to calling it html 4.01 with code that validates against xhtml 1.0 trans. You should change the doc type declaration, but I don't know the statement offhand.

Lots of the older skins are like that: not cool with the validators as they are today.

EDIT: forgot to mention I like the skin!

3 Jan 13, 2005 17:00

John, thought I'd mention that the calendar dates are not completely contained within the confines of the left column in my copy of FireFox v1.0. (Actually, it looks like all the serif fonts I see in MSIE are rendered sans-serif in Firefox). Other than this one detail, looks great!

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