2 danielmorrison Jan 17, 2005 23:14

Um... you don't mean comments like leave a comment right? In formatting.php half is for posts and half is for leave a comments.
I had a thought on this but I didn't want to be cracking a whip too frequently. Suppose you cheated a bit. Instead of putting the RDF immediately after the blahbdeeblah how about making a new function that can go in conf/hacks.php to strip the post content looking for "/licenses/" then using everything up to the next / to craft the RDF? Put this new function call right after the $Item->content() and it's buddy the page maker so that the RDF will be pretty derned close to the license bit.
Anyway that was just a thought. Today I thought about playing with the hitlog table and almost completely broke it. Oopsie! I backed it up, but only after I recovered from my near fatal flaw :roll:
I should have been clearer, I meant HTML comments.... The RDF is all in posts, and the RDF bit is surrounded by an HTML comment.
Your hack idea is interesting. My goal was to keep this a strict plugin solution, but I may look into that.
danielmorrison wrote:
My goal was to keep this a strict plugin solution, but I may look into that.
if you can tell the devs exactly what kind of hook you need, it's maybe implemented in the next release.
I added a renderer plugin to add the RDF. Works perfectly. Now I can keep it a pure plugin (well, 2 +additional classes) and not have to hack stuff.
I don't know why I didn't think of this before! Oh well. I can't wait for 0.9.1 plugins, so this can consolidate into one file...
I dug into _formatting,php and had some luck, but I then ran into some other problems. For example, <Work> causes problems because the parser converts it to lowercase, and therefore thinks its illegal.
So my current thought is this: The code above is inside a comment, therefore it doesn't need to be valid XHTML.
Can I turn off comment-parsing? Is there any instance where this could be dangerous?