I was blocking access to several features in the backoffice by checking the current users ID number against an if statement. This was a pain because everytime a new moderator was added to the site, I'd have to add their ID to the code. To simplify this (and make the code easier to understand) I created this simple function which I added to /blogs/conf/hacks.php
function hck_check_group( $GroupName, $UserID='' )
global $DB;
if( !is_logged_in() )
return false;
if( $UserID == NULL )
$UserID = get_user_info('ID');
$UsrGrpID = $DB->get_var( "SELECT user_grp_ID FROM evo_users where ID=$UserID" );
$GrpID = $DB->get_var( "SELECT grp_ID FROM evo_groups where grp_name='$GroupName'" );
if ( $UsrGrpID == $GrpID )
return true;
return false;
So let's say you only want certain users to be able to see the Edit tab in the backoffice. First you'd need to create a group, which we'll call Moderators for this example. Then you need to open /blogs/admin/_menutop.php and find the following:
<ul class="tabs">
if( $admin_tab == 'new' )
echo '<li class="current">';
echo '<li>';
echo '<a href="b2edit.php?blog=', $blog, '" style="font-weight: bold;">', T_('Write'), '</a></li>';
if( $admin_tab == 'edit' )
echo '<li class="current">';
echo '<li>';
echo '<a href="b2browse.php?blog=', $blog, '" style="font-weight: bold;">', T_('Edit'), '</a></li>';
And amend it like so:
if ( hck_check_group('Moderators') )
if( $admin_tab == 'edit' )
echo '<li class="current">';
echo '<li>';
echo '<a href="b2browse.php?blog=', $blog, '" style="font-weight: bold;">', T_('Edit'), '</a></li>';
Now if you're going to check group membership a lot then it might be best to check for all your groups once at the top of the page like so:
$is_admin = hck_check_group('Administrators');
$is_mod = hck_check_group('Mods');
$is_supermod = hck_check_group('SuperMods');
And then check your If statements like so:
if ( $is_admin )
echo 'hello admin';
As always I'm sure there are better ways of doing these things and if there is I'd love to hear about it.
It depends what you mean by access. If you mean editing then that's quite easy - but if you mean being able to view posts then that's difficult and is better done by setting up another blog.
Could this be used to only allow users access to certain categories of post? I need to do this for a blog I'm setting up... I'm trying to decide whether to figure out some way of using apache to do it or to use b2evo - would prefer to use the blog!