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1 Feb 03, 2005 20:34    

Hello Everyone

Where can I download an EvoSkins template from?

I?m new to Blogging and have just set up my first Blog at: and I wanted help with the following:

1 Where can I download an EvoSkins template for my new Blog site?
2 Are there other skins that I might use that are a little unusual and free?
2 With my new Blog at - how can I create and or add my own RSS Feeds?
4 I?ve noticed that on a number of websites that I see the following RSS feeds buttons to automatically add ?MyYahoo, ?NewsGator? and ?MyMSN? ? My question is how can I add my RSS Blog feed to these services?
5 I?ve read about the need to have my Blog ?Pinged? ? A) What is Pinging? B) Can you recommend sites that I can ?Ping? my website from?
6 What is an ?ATOM? Feed? How do I get or create one?

Thank you in anticipation for your help with my question - Natfirst[/url]

2 Feb 03, 2005 21:29

Here's a quick answer to your first question: click the link that says 'Skins' at the top of this very page!

3 Feb 04, 2005 02:02

My, that's quite a list of questions you have there. What's your record for the most number of consecutive questions? <movie reference?>

B2e will generate your RSS in no less than 3 flavors. ATOM, too. Automatically. Aren't you glad you picked it? It even has electric leather seats.

I don't know about the MyYahoo or MyMSN feeds. You'll have to check those sites for that info. They'll most likely have instructions on their sites.

Pinging is having your site let others know when you submit a new entry. You can set your to blog ping the b2e site automatically in the back office. I *think* its on the advance tab of your blog's settings, but I'm going from memory. If you want to get the word out about your blog register with some sites like blogwise or... I know there are others, but the names escape me.

Welcome to B2e. If you're new to blogging, there's a lot of helpful info out on the web. Google & Yahoo have helped me immensely.

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