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1 Feb 05, 2005 08:09    

Hi All,
'blog all' is not something that I plan to ever use. Is there a downside to deleting it? If I do delete it, is there a way that I could rebuild it if I needed to?
Also, is there a way to keep linkblog from showing up in my menu? I know that I need it for the sidebar, but I'd rather not have it as a blog that people can choose. Any tips on this?


2 Feb 05, 2005 11:04

You can't delete 'blog all'
And even if you could (or did in in phpmyadmin), b2evo won't work after that.

Why ?

Because blog all is nog a blog. It is a blog that agragates all other posts.

If you don't want to see it, or don't want to use it, do the folowing :

If you choose to make blog a/blog1/ blog whatever you called it to make your default blog, go in the backoffice and choose 'Default blog on index.php.

Go in the backoffice and do the same for blog all, but there you choose 'Other blog through index.php'.
Also in the 'Default display options'
unmark 'Include in public blog list'

If you don't log in with the admin account, than you can even go further.
You make only the admin member of 'blog all'.
If you log in with your regular username, you won't even see 'blog all'

The same for the blog that is your linkblog.
Unmark that it has to show up in the public blog list.

3 Feb 05, 2005 17:54

Topanga you're a genious, that did exactly what I wanted it to do. Thanks very much for a quick reply.


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