Recent Topics

1 Feb 13, 2005 04:21    

Okay so this is kinda neat. It sorts posts by blog kinda like a linkblog does with categories. Throw this into your skins/skinname folder as whateveryoulike.php then do a require on whateveryoulike.php in your _main.php. Customizability exists in the upper top half. You know what I mean so stop it!

/* An improved drab little snoogle by EdB - {@link}
 * b2evolution - {@link}
 * Released under GNU GPL License - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2004 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link}
 * Version 3: where we list recent posts by blog instead of as a big lump 'o posts
 * @package evoskins
 * @subpackage YOUR_SKIN_NAME
if( !defined('DB_USER') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

# You can customize the following as you wish:
# maximum number of recentpost entries to display:
$recpo_limit = 8;
# exclude the current blog from the list?
$recpo_exclude_current = true;

# The next block of stuff is the Topanga special selection section  You 
# can include or exclude a list of blogs, or both if you're into it.
# EXCLUDE other blogs from the list?
$recpo_use_exclude = true;
# INCLUDE other blogs from the list?
$recpo_use_include = true;
# this is a comma-separated array for EXCLUDING blogs, like '1,2,4,99'
$recpo_exclude_blogs = '4,7';
# this is a comma-separated array for INCLUDING blogs, like '1,2,4,99'
$recpo_include_blogs = '2,5,8';

# recentpost global delimiters:
$recpo_main_start = '<div class="bSideItem"><h3>Recent Posts</h3>';
$recpo_main_end = "</div>\n";
# recentpost item delimiters:
$recpo_blog_before = '<h4>';
$recpo_blog_after = "</h4>\n";
# recentpost item delimiters:
$recpo_item_before_all = '<ul>';
$recpo_item_before = '<li>';
$recpo_item_after = "</li>\n";
$recpo_item_after_all = "</ul>\n";

# show post issue date?
$recpo_date = true;
# date format of '' is blog default.  Go to your back office settings|regional
# tab and click 'Create new locale' to learn all the groovy format options 
$recpo_date_fmt = '';
# If 'recpo_foo' is false then 'recpo_foo_link' doesn't matter.
# show and link post author?
$recpo_author = true;
$recpo_author_link = true;
# show and link post category?
$recpo_category = true;
$recpo_category_link = true;
# show and link number of comments?
# using this makes an extra query per post - kinda heavy on the server...
$recpo_comments = true;
$recpo_comments_link = true;

# these 3 matter if _date or _author or _category or _comments is true
# recentcomment show number class:
$recpo_before_class = '&nbsp;<em>';
$recpo_class = 'dimmed';
$recpo_after_class = '</em>';

// --- you must be 21 to enter (ID required) --- //
// ---    No Cover!    ---    No Minimum!    --- //

echo $recpo_main_start;

$sql = "SELECT blog_ID, blog_shortname, blog_name FROM $tableblogs";
$list_o_blogs = $DB->get_results($sql);

foreach ( $list_o_blogs as $a_blog ) {
	if( $recpo_use_exclude ) {
		$exclude_blogs = explode(",", $recpo_exclude_blogs);
		if(in_array($a_blog->blog_ID, $exclude_blogs)) {
	if( $recpo_use_include ) {
		$include_blogs = explode(",", $recpo_include_blogs);
		if(! in_array($a_blog->blog_ID, $include_blogs)) {
	if( $recpo_exclude_current && ($a_blog->blog_ID == $blog) ) {
	$this_blog = $a_blog->blog_ID;
	$this_name = $a_blog->blog_name;
	$this_shortname = $a_blog->blog_shortname;
	$NewBlog = Blog_get_by_ID( $this_blog );
	$server_time = date("Y-m-d h:i:s", time() + ($Settings->get('time_difference') * 3600) );
	echo $recpo_blog_before; ?>
	<a href="<?php $NewBlog->disp( 'blogurl', 'raw' ) ?>" title="<?php echo $this_name ?>"><?php echo $NewBlog->disp( 'shortname', 'htmlbody' ) ?></a>
	<?php echo $recpo_blog_after;
	$posts_shown = 0;
	$sql = "SELECT ID, post_title, post_issue_date, cat_ID, cat_name, cat_blog_ID FROM $tableposts JOIN $tablecategories ON ( post_category = cat_ID) WHERE post_status = 'published' AND cat_blog_ID = $this_blog AND post_issue_date <= '$server_time' ORDER BY post_issue_date DESC";
	$results = $DB->get_results($sql);
	if ($results) {
		echo $recpo_item_before_all;
		foreach ($results as $result) {
			$posts_shown = ($posts_shown+1);
			if( $posts_shown > $recpo_limit ) {
			$post_title = stripslashes($result->post_title);
			$title = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($result->post_title));
			$this_post = $result->ID;
			$NewItem = Item_get_by_ID( $this_post );
			$permalink = $NewItem->gen_permalink( '', '', false, '&' );
			if( $recpo_author || $recpo_category ) {
				$this_blog = $result->cat_blog_ID;
				$NewBlog = Blog_get_by_ID( $this_blog );
			echo $recpo_item_before;
			echo '<a href="'.$permalink.'" title="link to '.$post_title.' post">'.$title.'</a>';
			$closing_bit = '';
			$count_comments = 0;
			if( $recpo_comments ) {
				$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $tablecomments WHERE comment_post_ID = $this_post";
				$count_comments = $DB->get_var($query);
				$comment_link = $permalink.'#comments';
			if( $recpo_date || $recpo_author || $recpo_category || ($count_comments > 0) ) {
				$closing_bit = ' <span class="'.$recpo_class.'">(';
			if( $recpo_date ) {
				$post_date = $NewItem->get( 'issue_date' );
				if( $recpo_date_fmt == '' ) {
					$post_date = mysql2date( locale_datefmt(), $post_date, false);
					} else {
					$post_date = mysql2date( $recpo_date_fmt, $post_date, false);
				$closing_bit .= 'Posted ';
				$closing_bit .= $post_date;
				if( $recpo_author || $recpo_category || $count_comments ) {
					$closing_bit .= ', ';
			if( $recpo_author ) {
				$auth_id = $NewItem->Author->get('ID');
				$auth_name = $NewItem->Author->get('preferedname');
				if( $recpo_author_link ) {
					$auth_link = '<a href="'.$NewBlog->get( 'blogurl', 'raw' ).'?author='.$auth_id.'" title="Browse all posts by this author">'.$auth_name.'</a>';
					$closing_bit .= 'by '.$auth_link;
					} else {
					$closing_bit .= 'by '.$auth_name;
				if( $recpo_category || $count_comments ) {
					$closing_bit .= ', ';
			if( $recpo_category ) {
				$cat_id = $result->cat_ID;
				$cat_name = $result->cat_name;
				if( $recpo_category_link ) {
					$cat_link = '<a href="'.$NewBlog->get( 'blogurl', 'raw' ).'?cat='.$cat_id.'" title="Browse all posts in this category">'.$cat_name.'</a>';
					$closing_bit .= 'in '.$cat_link;
					} else {
					$closing_bit .= 'in '.$cat_name;
				if( $count_comments ) {
					$closing_bit .= ', ';
			if( $count_comments ) {
				if( $recpo_comments_link ) {
					$closing_bit .= '<a href="'.$comment_link.'" title="link to last comment on '.$post_title.' post">';
					$closing_bit .= $count_comments.' comments</a>';
					} else {
					$closing_bit .= $count_comments.' comments';
			if( $closing_bit ) {
				$closing_bit .= ')</span>';
			echo $recpo_before_class.$closing_bit.$recpo_after_class;
			echo $recpo_item_after;
		echo $recpo_item_after_all;
	} // end the big blog foreach
echo $recpo_main_end;


2 Feb 13, 2005 11:04

Just tested it.
It works great.
But too good.

It's also showing blogs that I mentioned not to show in the bloglist.
I can put those blogs in the exclude list offcourse, it's just double the work.
It would be good to have the opposide arround as a choise.
If I have 30 blogs, and I only want to show 2 or 3, than I have 26 to exclude...

It's also showing future posts. And that is not supposed to happen, if I have 'history' blog, like it is not suppose to happen that it will show history posts if I have an event calander.
It should look at the timestamp-things in stubfile.. I think...

3 Feb 13, 2005 14:56

I thought about doing it as an include these instead of an exclude those. Could be done - no problem. The future post thing never crossed my mind. None of my hacks concern themselves with hiding the future. That one's easy I think. I'll get it done today and update the code above.

4 Feb 13, 2005 15:30

Just tested it out, and it works great! Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks again for taking the time to do this, Ed :)

5 Feb 13, 2005 16:18

Tabard I'm glad it worked for you, but I just updated it so you might want to grab the latest copy. This time it has the Topanga special selection section wherein one may exclude or include (or exclude and include) lists of blogs and posts you already made tomorrow don't show up.

6 Feb 13, 2005 18:00

thankyou! as always works great :D

7 Feb 14, 2005 01:30

$recpo_main_end = "</div\n"; 

should be

$recpo_main_end = "</div>\n";

Just thought I'd mention this - it suddenly dawned on me that others might not be as patient or willing to look at lots of code as I am... A few more hairs went grey as I tried to figure out what wasn't working! :lol:

8 Feb 14, 2005 01:51

Ouch! I like to keep my code happy cosmetically and with the validators, but I guess I don't check often enough. The initial post is updated, or will be in a few moments...

9 Jul 26, 2005 05:37

I'm a little slow on this. What do I need to change to get it to only show recent posts for the current blog? I use the same skin on several blogs, but I only want the recent topics for whatever blog you're looking at.

10 Aug 01, 2005 19:01

So... Is it not possible to do this with this hack?

11 Aug 01, 2005 20:34

I don't know.

# exclude the current blog from the list?
$recpo_exclude_current = true;

Set this to false

# EXCLUDE other blogs from the list?
$recpo_use_exclude = true;

Set this to false.

# INCLUDE other blogs from the list?
$recpo_use_include = true;

Set this to true.

# this is a comma-separated array for INCLUDING blogs, like '1,2,4,99'
$recpo_include_blogs = '2,5,8';

Try setting this to "$blog" without quotation marks.

Might work... Might not...

12 Aug 02, 2005 22:16

It works! You're a prince, Ed.

13 Aug 03, 2005 03:06

Can an example of this hack be seen at the bottom of your weblog(s)? That does look nice.

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