2 fplanque Oct 06, 2003 14:14

fplanque wrote:
There are quite a few different CSS styles available to customize the calendar. Check them out.
Well, I guess it's not a css but php issue.
fplanque is right:
.bCalendarToday {
that will make the day become all fat and oily for you ;)
:roll: Sorry guys, sometimes, I'm blind.
But there's a problem when today has a pots. a this moment in the calendar the day of today hasn't got the class bCalendarToday but the class bCalendarLinkPost.
It would be a better idea that the day of today has an id bCalendarToday. to do that there are some changes to made in the _class_calendar.php
$this->todaycellstart = '<td id="bCalendarToday">';
$this->todaycellstartpost = '<td id="bCalendarToday" class="bCalendarLinkPost">';
if ($calendartoday){
echo $this->todaycellstartpost;
echo $this->linkpostcellstart;
The Line Number a referenced from the _class_calendar.php CVS revision 1.13
Doing this changes you could have in the css:
I think it would be a good idea to make this changes. For example, you could choose to have a background for the today's day and it appear evenn if there's a post
we should probably add another style bCalendarLinkPostToday that would handle this.
I'll implement this later.. :)
Thanks a lot
Using an ID to designate that it's today and a class to designate that it has posts makes the most sense, given the semantic meaning of "ID" and "CLASS" attributes. There will be many days with posts, but only one that's today.
Also, then you wouldn't have to unnecessarily multiply the CSS. If someone wants to specially mark up bCalendarLinkPostToday, they can use .bCalendarLinkPost#bCalendarToday { ... }
Just my $0.02.
very good point, isaac.
There are quite a few different CSS styles available to customize the calendar. Check them out.