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1 Feb 21, 2005 01:10    

I've been working with B2 for about a month now, and it seems to be the best blogging system I've come across so far, but I am needing some help with the pseudo-HTML tags or "quick tags" as others would call them.

1) The more tag

whenever I use it and I click on the "Read More" link to read more I get [More] on the new page where I placed the

tag. How do I get rid of this, it's very annoying.

2) Is there a way for me to customized or add my own pseudo-HTML tags to the write/edit menu of post whenever I'm adding a new post or editing an existing post?


2 Feb 21, 2005 19:47

headdive wrote:

1) The more tag <!--more--> whenever I use it and I click on the "Read More" link to read more I get [More:] on the new page where I placed the <!--more--> tag. How do I get rid of this, it's very annoying.

Use the NT! button to insert at <!-- noteaser --> tag right after the <!--more--> tag. This will prevent the [More:] from showing up in the expanded article.

However, it'll also prevent the teaser from showing up (which may or may not be desirable. If you want to keep the teaser in the expanded article just enter it before AND after the <!--more--><!--noteaser-->

3 Feb 21, 2005 21:01

That's an incredibly long winded way to do it. A much simpler way to do it is to crack open your skins/yourskinname/_main.php in your favourite editor and replace the bit that says:

<?php $Item->content(); ?>

With this:

<?php $Item->content('','',''More',''); ?>

Replace 'More' with whatever you want the more link to be. And they're not one " they're two '

4 Feb 22, 2005 05:20

More info than you wanted! Here's what you can control through the content() function that Graham pointed you to.

(The 3rd item is the one that changes the [more:] text that you find annoying. Note: It's meant as a place-holder, so that readers kinda know where they left off, so they don't get lost. "Why am I having to re-read stuff that I've already read? ... Oh ... Here I go, "more" must be the point where I read to".)

I changed mine to a " - - ", just to have something indicate the take-off point, but not be confusing or obtrusive.

To each his own.

Here's the Technicals: From

Cheers, Scott

content( [ mixed $disppage = '#' ] , [ mixed $dispmore = '#' ] , [ string $more_link_text = '#' ] , [ string $more_anchor = '#' ] , [ string $before_more = '#' ] , [ string $after_more = '#' ] , [ string $format = 'htmlbody' ] , [ integer $cut = 0 ] , [ boolean $stripteaser = false ] , [ string $more_file = '' ] )

mixed $disppage: page number to display specific page, # for url parameter
mixed $dispmore: true to display 'more' text, false not to display, # for url parameter
string $more_link_text: text to display as the more link
string $more_anchor: text to display as the more anchor (once the more link has been clicked)
string $before_more: string to display before more link/anchor
string $after_more: string to display after more link/anchor
string $format: Output format, see format_to_output()
integer $cut: max number of words
boolean $stripteaser: true if you don't want to repeat teaser after more link was pressed
string $more_file: filename to use to display more

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