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1 Mar 09, 2005 17:25    


I am trying to move my blog from MT to b2e.

While trying to initialize the MySQL DB/tables, I am getting the following error message:

Lost connection to MySQL server during query(Errno=2013)

Your query:
SELECT post_urltitle FROM evo_posts WHERE post_urltitle REGEXP '^erster_eintrag(_[0-9]+)?$'

This is my Configuration:

* FreeBSD 5.4-PRE
* MySQL 5.0.2
* PHP 5.0.3
* b2e 0.9.2-CVS

I know that at least that particular MySQL version is alpha software.

Anyway - Can you give me some pointers on how to solve this issue?

Do you think this error may disappear if I'll revert to b2e v0.9.0.11?

2 Mar 09, 2005 18:01

CVS is unsupported (and quite often completely unreliable), and v11 does not have the option to import from MT. I would therefore suggest a couple of options to consider. One is to begin blogging with b2evo and keep your MT blog (and associated database) intact for 'historical' purposes. Another is to keep your eye on b2evo and wait for the next big release, then migrate from MT. The problem with the first option is that when b2evo can finally grab MT databases you will have two databases that will somehow need to be merged. The problem with the second option is no one knows when the next major release will be, so you could be using MT for a lot longer than you'd like.

It's also possible that one of the developers will come along and try to help you more than I can with an eye on improving the MT migration feature. That would be the best thing eh?

3 Mar 10, 2005 00:16

I would like to clearify one thing - At the time I did just try to run the install script (B2E_HOME/install/index.php). I am not trying to import any Movable Type blog entries.

Anyway I just downgraded to b2e v0.9.0.11 and I am getting the same SQL error message. If I try to execute the SQL statement ...

SELECT post_urltitle FROM evo_posts WHERE post_urltitle REGEXP '^erster_eintrag(_[0-9]+)?$' AND ID <> 0;

... I am getting the same MySQL error message ...

ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query

It seems that this error is more related to the MySQL DB than to b2e (just my personal guess).

4 Mar 10, 2005 00:52

My misunderstanding, and apologies. I'm afraid I can't help you with the error you are having. There have been a few threads talking about issues with PHP5, so perhaps your problem is more related to your PHP than your MySQL? Then again I'm just a low-level hack who has only a tiny clue of how this stuff actually works, so perhaps I should just stay quiet and let smart people help you out...

6 Mar 10, 2005 14:25

I once did compile MySQL without libwrap support on FreeBSD because MySQL seems to run pretty unstable with libwrap support compiled into it.

I am currently re-building MySQL with debug symbols and without libwrap support. I'll tell if I am getting any further ...

7 Mar 10, 2005 19:11

MySQL is core dumping in regcomp.c line 866, if using an SQL query that contains a REGEXP expresion like the one I did post to this thread. So I guess this is a real MySQL bug and I won't bother you any longer ;)

8 Mar 12, 2005 01:38

Very final note:

It seems that there is an issue with the UTF8 character encoding in MySQL. See ...

* [url=]Bug #9106[/url]
* [url=]Bug #6568[/url]

The latter happens on MySQL 4.x systems as well. What I did wrong was using the following SQL statement to create the b2e database:


because I wanted unicode support. That character encoding seems to trigger the MySQL coredump issue. For the records if you are experience the same issue try to not use unicode. Instead try a SQL statement similar to the one below:


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