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1 Mar 11, 2005 20:41    


are there already any efforts to write a more general _db.class.php?

I am currently hacking b2evolution a bit to support PostgreSQL, but I probably won't wast any time if someone else is already doing it.

2 Mar 11, 2005 22:50

Well, b2evo uses a abstraction called ezSQL .

I think that the major problem is use only SQL ANSI 92 and not postgresql ou mysql particular features

I think!

3 Mar 11, 2005 22:55

I've started to port to Pear DB as part of a larger project. There's pretty much a one to one match between the Pear DB class and EZSQL calls so I should be done this weekend.


4 Mar 12, 2005 00:24

I just started reading the [url=]Propel[/url] docs, a ORM based on the ideas initially invented by the Jakarta Torque project.

But I will wait for your Pear DB solution if I'll get a quick and cheap PostgreSQL support that way ;)

5 Mar 12, 2005 00:35

That sounds cool too, but I'm trying to stay on track and actually get stuff to work. :D

6 Mar 14, 2005 04:42

What version are you running? I want to make sure this port works with at least that version?


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