2 graham Mar 14, 2005 16:48

Log into your ftp server and delete them from there?
Thanks Graham, but it is not practical.
There are several people in each group posting with attach files and images. All have permisions to delete their posts, all the attacments/images uploaded by any person from any group are uploaded to the media dir. I can not keep track of what files in the media dir are from deleted posts.
Surely there must be another way... :-/ ++
You could hack admin/edit_actions.php to scan the content of the post when it's being deleted and extract the image filenames and delete them
You could hack admin/edit_actions.php ...
I was afraid that I had to go deep down into php code :(
Any idea where to start in admin/edit_actions.php?
Help will be apreciated.
This is the section that does the deleting :-
case 'delete':
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* DELETE a post from db
$admin_pagetitle = T_('Deleting post...');
require( dirname(__FILE__) . '/_menutop.php' );
require( dirname(__FILE__) . '/_menutop_end.php' );
param( 'post', 'integer' );
// echo $post;
if( ! ($postdata = get_postdata( $post )) )
echo '<div class="panelinfo"><p class="error">'.( T_('Oops, no post with this ID!') ).'</p></div>';
$blog = get_catblog( $postdata['Category'] );
$blogparams = get_blogparams_by_ID( $blog );
$location = 'b2browse.php?blog='.$blog;
// Check permission:
$current_User->check_perm( 'blog_del_post', '', true, $blog );
echo "<div class=\"panelinfo\">\n";
echo '<h3>', T_('Deleting post...'), "</h3>\n";
if( bpost_delete( $post ) )
if( isset($sleep_after_edit) && $sleep_after_edit > 0 )
echo '<p>', T_('Sleeping...'), "</p>\n";
sleep( $sleep_after_edit );
echo '<p>'.T_('Deleting Done...')."</p>\n";
echo '<p>'.T_('Error')."!</p>\n";
echo '</div>';
You can get the content of the post with :-
You can get the content of the post with :-
I'll try but my knoledge of php is very very poor.
I'm sure I'll need to cry for help... :'(
Lol, know how you feel regarding PHP, my knowledge of it is limited to say the least.
If you get stuck holler back and I'll see what I can do (might take a tad though)
I'm stuck already... :(
I start with
echo $postdata['Content'];
to see the content but I don't get any value...
Backup your images and admin/edit_actions.php
Then add the red bits, hit delete and cross your fingers :p
case 'delete':
* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* DELETE a post from db
$admin_pagetitle = T_('Deleting post...');
require( dirname(__FILE__) . '/_menutop.php' );
require( dirname(__FILE__) . '/_menutop_end.php' );param( 'post', 'integer' );
// echo $post;
if( ! ($postdata = get_postdata( $post )) )
echo '<div class="panelinfo"><p class="error">'.( T_('Oops, no post with this ID!') ).'</p></div>';
$blog = get_catblog( $postdata['Category'] );
$blogparams = get_blogparams_by_ID( $blog );
$location = 'b2browse.php?blog='.$blog;// Check permission:
$current_User->check_perm( 'blog_del_post', '', true, $blog );echo "<div class=\"panelinfo\">\n";
echo '<h3>', T_('Deleting post...'), "</h3>\n";// DELETE POST FROM DB:
if( bpost_delete( $post ) )
if( isset($sleep_after_edit) && $sleep_after_edit > 0 )
echo '<p>', T_('Sleeping...'), "</p>\n";
sleep( $sleep_after_edit );
// delete files in post hack start
echo "<p>Deleting files</p>";
foreach($theImages as $theFile){
echo "<p>Files deleted</p>";
// end of delete files in post hack
echo '<p>'.T_('Deleting Done...')."</p>\n";
I'm going in the right way but still not there.
Thanks wery much for the code.
First it did not work at all, but I noticed that t
should really be
Now it deletes the posts and the files, but I get the following error:
Deleting files
Warning: unlink(../media/<img src="%29:" no="" such="" file="" or="" directory="" in="">/var/www/html/fer20/admin/edit_actions.php on line 451
Files deleted
To be honest, you've about hit the limit of my php knowledge, the code I posted worked for me, but I run a windows server so their may be something I'm missing if you're on a linux box.
*edit* try adding :-
echo $theFile;
just before it tries to delete it, it looks like it's not getting the filename properly
:D :D ++
That's right, in the loop of the foreach, $theFile gets some other values as well as the file names.
The ulink was deleting the files and giving a warning when it didn't encounter a file.
I've solve it with:
// delete files in post hack start
echo "<p>Deleting files</p>";
foreach($theImages as $theFile){
if (file_exists($theFile)) {unlink("$theFile") or die ("The file $theFile can not be deleted!");}
echo "<p>Files deleted</p>";
// end of delete files in post hack
Now it looks like it works .
Platform: LAMP (Linux, Apache, Msql and PHP)
Thanks again
P.S.: I'm sure that a php guru would have done it without any warnings
Assuming you mean the warning as the file is deleted, try changing :-
if (file_exists($theFile)) {unlink("$theFile") or die ("The file $theFile can not be deleted!");}
to :-
if (file_exists($theFile)) unlink(@$theFile);
Log into your ftp server and delete them from there?