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1 Mar 19, 2005 04:39    

Hi there I'm totaly new to the Blog scene & am considering a prog to get users blogging on a site I am working on. To sum up, I love b2evolution but the database being used is PostgreSQL. Will it support PostgreSQL in the future? :(

2 Mar 19, 2005 05:23

I have a version of the db class that I've ported to Pear::DB which allows using a number of different databases including PostgreSQL. I've downloaded and installed PostgreSQL 8 and am just starting with testing. The Pear::DB class clashes with the DB class in b2evolution but it's a relatively small change to rename it and change the declare. There are probably some sql issues that I haven't run into yet but I can't see that they'll be too complex.


3 Mar 19, 2005 16:22

well, but doesn't the use of Pear brings much, much overhead? some months ago i played a little bit with Pear but i left because it has so many hooks for every possible kind of code... it's much better to use an own DB-layer.

4 Mar 21, 2005 19:25

I haven't noticed any performance differences so far running with mysql. I'd have been surprised to see a major performance hit. Many of the PEAR functions are just a thin wrapper for the matching mysql calls that are already in the existing code.

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