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1 Apr 03, 2005 03:13    

Hey all.

I'm deriving a new skin from the custom skin.

When I take the Calendar out of the sidebar, it is still centered. I mean the box itself (I still want to keep the dates etc. centered). Regardless of what I do to the container that I place the Calendar in, it won't lie itself to the left. I can't figure out what is making it center itself.

Can someone please let me know what I need to do to align the calendar box to the left. I plan to put it in the pageheader div. Even using text-align: left in that div does not do the trick.


2 Apr 03, 2005 03:36

Can you post a link to an example of the problem? It helps to see what divs and css is being applied.

4 Apr 03, 2005 05:03

my guess is that it's centering it because the containing DIV layer has a "text-align:center" property. Try changing:

<div class="calendar">


<div class="calendar align="left">

That should work.

5 Apr 03, 2005 05:31

Thanks for the suggestion, but that has no effect. n.b. I actually deleted the calendar <div> because it did no good. Have updated the online skin accordingly.

I think the issue has something to do with the "_calendar.php" file. Something in there is dictating what is going on. But I can't grasp it.

6 Apr 03, 2005 05:34

I spent some time fooling around with a .calendar class and had no luck. I don't see any cause for the centering. Strange. But I'm no expert. Hopefully someone else gets it.

7 Apr 03, 2005 05:44

Thanks for having a go Nate.

8 Apr 03, 2005 10:39

table.bCalendarTable {
margin: 0 auto 1em auto;
font-size: 77%;
border-collapse: separate;
border-spacing: 0px;

It's the red bit that's doing it ;)


9 Apr 03, 2005 23:30

Thanks for the info. That was driving me crazy. :-/

It's being set in the blog_elements.css file, setting that margin to 0 and the caption margin to 0 seems to fix things. Very nice.

10 Apr 03, 2005 23:39

Of course! Thanks very much ????

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