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1 Apr 05, 2005 20:08    

Searched and didn't see any reference to this.

Today I got slammed with a new type of spam... is spamming my referring searches list...,, etc. Is this a totally new type of spam??? Because as far as I can tell there's no way to deal with it except to manually delete every single hit.

Is there a way to delete them all? Is there a way to add that to the antispam block list and have that affect referring searches?

I don't want to nhave to manually delete 746 hits. :(

2 Apr 05, 2005 22:01

I added optimalsearch to my banned list and so far it hasn't appeared again...

3 Apr 05, 2005 22:26

You can still delete the hits by manually past the url into the antispam-url-thingy. I was also hit by this.

A lot of refererspams and comment spams at the moment, I have to delete crap like this daily now... :(

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