2 personman May 31, 2005 22:47

thanks for the positive feedback.
had a chance to check it out this weekend myself with IE on WindowsXP and it all looks to be working fine.
currently working on putting a mambo skin together which matches the skin we are using for the blogs. half done:)
keep on rockin' :p
Looks great, but it does not validate ;)
Otherwise a fresh design
150 errors! some of them mine.
a lot of them though are from the japanese encoding on the page. fixing that could be tricky. anyone have any experience with this?
Love your site :D ... and the Japanese pages show up perfectly on both my English and Japanese IE browser ;)
Actually, I'm also trying to make an English-Japanese blog as follows:
Blog A = English
Blog B = Japanese
Blog All (index blog) = all posts from blog A & B
However, I'm also having a hell of a fun time with Japanese encoding problems. Even when I set Main Locale to Japanese, I get errors (the title of the blog is in Japanese). Any idea how to fix this?
I think both sites look great.