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1 May 30, 2005 19:21    

Hi All,
I finally finished a family of skins. Its the same layout, in four different color schemes. I just tried to post it to the skins page, but that link is dead. Can I email them to someone to post to the site?


2 May 30, 2005 19:41

You can always mail to graham.
I know there are problems with the skinsite for the moment...

3 May 30, 2005 22:17

Cool, I sent him an email.

In the meantime, if anyone wants to check them down or download them, they'll be temporarily available at Once Graham gets them uploaded to the server, I plan to take this blog down.

4 May 30, 2005 23:31

Those are very nice. Thanks for the work!

5 May 31, 2005 02:07

Very nice skins. I'm looking forward to seeing the skin repository fixed. I've got one just about ready, too.

6 May 31, 2005 10:27

If anyone has any skins they can email them to skins -at- b2evo -dot- net (that's not I hope to get it fixed soon too!

7 Jun 02, 2005 00:11

Great looking skins, it would be nice if the 4 sets were supposed integrated into 1 with a color switcher somewhere.
Plus the layout seems to b0rk with more than a few blogs.

8 Jun 03, 2005 00:54

Thanks for the complements. I'm working on a couple of others as well, but I don't have any idea when they'll be ready.

Regarding X111's comments:
A color switcher might be cool. I don't have time to implement one, but it shouldn't be too difficult. If you get one working, please post it here for the benefit of all.

And you're right, with this skin the number of blogs it handles is limited by the menu bar at the top. In its current settings, I think the limit is 7 (just to keep from confusing anyone, b2e will handle far more than that). If you'd like for it to handle more, open up the custom.css file and look for this element:

#top_container a {
	display: block;
	width: 106px;
	color: #F8F2E5;
	text-decoration: none;
	font-weight: normal;
	border-top: none;
	border-right: 1px solid #A8B090;
	border-bottom: none;

Change the width down from 106px to whatever you need it to be, and voila. If you bump it down to 70px, I think the menu will handle up to 11 blogs.

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