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1 Jun 23, 2005 03:04    

Hello, recently my guestbook published a way to verify that the poster in the guestbook is human. This has cut down on guestbook spam by 100% in the past months. The author used PHP to have it so you must type a certain word in a box to verify that you are a human. An example of this at work is at my guestbook:

Try to sign the guestbook, the last box requires you to type ARMADILLO. If you fail to type in the word, you get an error. This is a very basic type of verification. If anyone can make a more advanced verification, like a picture number verificiation (similar to that used by phpnuke) that would be even better!

Thank you

3 Jun 27, 2005 00:22

i read through the entire thread and all it talks about is blacklisting URLs :-/

5 Jul 26, 2005 06:45

Is there any chance that this will be implemented on the next release?

I mean, having a single option in the blog setting, to enable CAPCHA or not for that specific blog. It might sounds challenging, and takes some time to finish it, so don't bother about it ^_^

I'm looking forward for the file management and integration of WYSIWYG editor with image gallery and file management ^_^

I'll help as much as possible. I'm undergoing an open community that will be based on b2evolution, and I'm looking forward for b2evolution to grow bigger and more powerful. I don't like the idea of wordpress anyway, so I will support b2evolution as much as I could...


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