2 fplanque Jul 04, 2005 12:59
Just another heads up.
I've been using the cvs version (just downloaded latest version today) on one of my semi-live websites blogs for a month or so and have found what appears to be a glitch.
I wanted "newest changed post" at the top so I added order="desc"; and orderby="datemodified";
The effect was "almost" correct except, if you view a posts comments it seems to amend the datemodified field (I assume this is because it increments the views) which brings the last read post to the top instead of the last posted/edited/commented post.
Also, when you preview a post it still has the same errors as before.
I still think that the CVS version blows the current version out of the water and I can't wait until it's a full release (lol, obviously :P), if you need any windows beta testers, or a windows server to test it on, then feel free to holler.
*edit* Just noticed another glitch, the categories on the skins are double listed.
okay, I'll look into that.