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1 Jun 29, 2005 02:59    


I was having a problem with where the antispam page would not load (just received a blank page) after blacklisting another spammer. I upgraded to as a reflex action, but the problem persisted.

Turns out the script was hitting my PHP memory limit of 8MB; as such, I was able to resurrect the antispam page by modifying list_antiSpam() in _functions_antispam.php to limit the number of rows returned - I assumed this might have been the issue considering it was an update to this table that pooched things (I've got 2032 entries in that table now).

The memory limit is there for a good reason, and I won't be adjusting it. Perhaps some kind of pagination can be implemented for a future version to avoid this issue?


2 Jun 29, 2005 16:08

Pagination for the antispam page has been discussed and I think it will be in the next version.

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