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1 Jul 06, 2005 14:51    


I have a blog-thingie called [url=][/url]. The site is in swedish, so you probably won't understand that much.

But if you go to it you can see the nav-link at the very end, in swedish looking like this: " :: Nästa sida >>" (next page). My problem is that if you click that and go to the next page you only see a "<< Föregående sida :: " (previous page) -link and not another next page-link, which is weird because I have been using this script for about two years now, so there are posts enough to fill a helluva lot more than two pages... :)

Why does this happen? There should be some connection to the position of the "posts_nav_link"-tag, right?

3 Jul 06, 2005 21:20

Yeah, I had kinda figured out that it is in the skin that the problem lies. I have been looking through the code a little but can't figure out why it is like it is. Maybe it's not in the _main.php file, but in some of the other skin-files?

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