2 isaac Jul 07, 2005 15:28

isaac wrote:
If you want to take this to the next level, you could make it a renderer plugin.
The next level after that would be a toolbar plugin (something like the image inserter/uploader) that has a popup with a list of all the posts in the system, and then inserts the proper code.
You're right, a (set of) plug-in(s) would be a better way to implement this feature. I considered to wait until the release of [url=http://b2evolution.net]b2evolution[/url] phoenix before beginning to writing plug-ins. However, the renderer and toolbar plug-ins you talk about above will be probably straightforward to port to the next version.
I'm going to study this hack implementation as plug-ins, following your suggestion.
BTW, I was wondering how the plug-ins are going to be implemented into the next version, especially the installation of those. [url=http://www.dotclear.net]DotClear[/url] is perfect: easy, simple, straightforward. The installation is automagic. ;)
If you want to preview Phoenix, check out https://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=85535
You'll have to use [url=http://www.wincvs.org/]WinCVS[/url] or some other CVS client to download the codebase. From there, you can set it up on localhost or some other test server. (Or you could use the web-based CVS, but that would take a looooong time, since you'd have to download file by file.) You can log in anonymously to just download the code (so you don't have to monkey around with SSH keys and whatnot.)
Note: Do NOT use the CVS version on a live site! You won't be able to install/upgrade properly, you might lose things, and developers will get very irate if you complain about this, since they're always warning everyone not to do it.
CVS is for development only - if you use the CVS version to run your site, and something breaks or changes without warning, you've been warned. (I actually did that for a while, and got scolded once or twice, and then finally decided it wasn't worth it.)
The CVS version contains a test plugin that you can use. You can also take a look at the other renderer and toolbar plugins that are included. It's mostly functional, so you should be able to test it out somewhat.
If you do that, it'd be really cool! This would be an extremely neat feature. Thanks in advance :)
Okay, I'm going to try Phoenix in order to make some fine and nice plug-ins for [url=http://b2evolution.net]b2evolution[/url] beginning by this INSERT_POST Hack.
(I must say I [u]hate[/u] [url=https://www.cvshome.org/]CVS[/url] especially since I discovered [url=http://www.perforce.com/]Perforce[/url]. Once you've understood the power of that tool, it's difficult to step back using such tools like [url=https://www.cvshome.org/]CVS[/url] or [url=http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/previous/ssafe/]VSS[/url]. And you know what? [url=http://www.perforce.com/]Perforce[/url] is [url=http://www.perforce.com/perforce/opensource-faq.html]free for open source projects[/url]... Anyway... okay, okay, I'm going to use [url=https://www.cvshome.org/]CVS[/url] for now... ;) )
Look forward to this, as a plugin it would be classy indeed.
If you want to take this to the next level, you could make it a renderer plugin.
The next level after that would be a toolbar plugin (something like the image inserter/uploader) that has a popup with a list of all the posts in the system, and then inserts the proper code.
At my job, we developed a system with similar functionality - Each "notion" can be inserted into or linked from other notions. It makes it incredibly easy to cut down the repetitive work of maintaining a help file for a large piece of software, especially when they change a reusable piece of code that is used all over the place. All that I have to do now is just change the notion where I described it once, and it's automatigically updated everywhere :)