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1 Jul 08, 2005 22:30    

Using verion and trying to integrate with some existing code I hit the conflict. PEAR DB has a class name DB as well as b2evo. Not precisely a bug, but extremely inconvenient for integration and I figure its easier to ask you to change than it is to ask PEAR.

2 Jul 08, 2005 23:14

As a followup, it would be useful if the db code could be made mulitple connection friendly.
This would require
1) an option to connect to mysql on a separate connection
2) all mysql calls altered to use the link id for that connection

this will prevent the db code from conflicting with a separate connection elsewhere that connects, for example, to separate db.

3 Jul 12, 2005 15:00

Do you want to contribute this yourself to the sourceforge repository?

4 Jul 12, 2005 20:21

Short version yes...
Longer version
Number 1 is a pretty trivial fix. Looks like you just need to change the class name and the 3 places the class is created. I've done it in my local version, and it works, but I'm not familiar enough with the code base yet to be entirely comfortable in my choice of class name.

Number2 I haven't done, but I'd be willing to do it when I get a free moment. Which, given my life at the moment, probably will have to wait a couple of weeks.

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