2 fplanque Jul 15, 2005 17:43
Hey great so what did you do to get that to come up?
Also I noted at the bottom of your page the following
MySQL error!
Can't open file: 'b2hitlog.MYI'. (errno: 145)(Errno=1016)
Your query:
INSERT INTO b2hitlog( visitTime, visitURL, hit_ignore, referingURL, baseDomain, hit_blog_ID, hit_remote_addr, hit_user_agent ) VALUES( FROM_UNIXTIME(1121577074), '/Blog/devblog/2008/01/01/no_error_i_think', 'no', 'http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?p=22487', 'forums.b2evolution.net', 3, '', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050511 Firefox/1.0.4')
My blog does the same as Francois' one. I've not done any hacks, it's the default behaviour.
So could this be a skin problem?
Well no it cant because I just checked your site and it is using Kubrick also So what could be different ? Where should I start looking?
Possibly. What skin are you using?
It may well be a skin problem. Probably one of the now-deprecated functions that didnt' take into consideration when there was no post to display.
What's on /home/hblogger/domains/hairyblogger.mozcal.org/public_html/b2evocore/_functions_bposts.php on line 676?
What function is that in?
Get that info, and we can go from there. :)
Well then, it's not the skin unless you've hacked it, because my site is based on Kubrick. If you answer isaac's other question, we might be able to help more.
I'm guessing that it's single_post_title(). Is this line 676?
$disp_title = $Item->get('title');
If so, replace it with:
if(!$Item) $disp_title = 'No post to Display';
else $disp_title = $Item->get('title');
If I'm wrong, then ignore what I just said. :)
What's on /home/hblogger/domains/hairyblogger.mozcal.org/public_html/b2evocore/_functions_bposts.php on line 676?
What function is that in?
I have the following
$disp_title = $Item->get('title');
and this is what is in the whole expression line 673 to 677
elseif( !empty( $title ) )
$Item = Item_get_by_title( $title ); // TODO: use cache
$disp_title = $Item->get('title');
So you are suggesting that I make it look like this then
elseif( !empty( $title ) )
$Item = Item_get_by_title( $title ); // TODO: use cache
if(!$Item) $disp_title = 'No post to Display';
else $disp_title = $Item->get('title');