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1 Jul 28, 2005 23:13    

My blog runs perfectly, and I can do almost everything, but the commenting is screwed up

when someone clicks LEAVE A COMMENT it comes up with this

MySQL error!

Access denied for user: 'root@localhost' (Using password: NO)(Errno=1045)

Your query:

SELECT ID, post_author, post_issue_date, post_mod_date, post_status, post_locale, post_content, post_title, post_urltitle, post_url, post_category, post_autobr, post_flags, post_wordcount, post_comments, post_renderers, cat_blog_ID FROM evo_posts INNER JOIN evo_categories ON post_category = cat_ID WHERE post_urltitle = ''

everything in the config is fine and I can't find anywhere else where I would imput the sql info that it is missing...

also, I am using the helskinki skin, if that has anything to do with it

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