2 nate Aug 17, 2005 02:27

that is the main problem. the main page of the site does not show a sidebar. internal pages do fine. _main.php should not be a problem, as i installed two brand new themes to test it and they all have the same problem.
Have you done any hacking on core files lately? I'm thinking the admin or b2evocore or conf folders in particular. Maybe an antispam thing?
Wait a minute. Your blog doesn't look new (based on multiple posts and I didn't see any of the 'stock' posts), but your first post says you just installed b2evolution.
Hmm... Grab a fresh copy of the zip and unzip it, then delete the admin and b2evocore folders on your server, then upload the new files you just unzipped. Don't do the conf folder unless you save conf/_config from your server first - it has all your database connection stuff, and I don't think the conf folder is a suspect.
It's a weird thing that every now and then happens: freaky behaviour from inexplicable corruptions that get repaired by just blowing up the bad and uploading again.
You could re-upload the skin (_main.php in particular)....or insert the following code to your skin's _main.php where you want the linkblog to appear.
But I don't see any sidebar on your site. Just the main posts. Not sure what you're after....