2 edb Aug 23, 2005 04:13

I am not a techy :oops:
If it is not too much trouble could you be a little more detailed - please ;) ?
Lead me through whatever folders to whererver if it not to complicated.
I poked around the b2login.php but not being a programer I hate to "guess" in what to do.
I am assuming there is a data file that stores the password.
I either need to uncover the password that is stored somewhere or find out why the software is not sending me the new password in an email. I did fill in the field with my email address. The software does have the information.
It's not in a file, it's in your MySQL database. Your webhost should provide some way for you to interact with your databases, whether it's phpmyadmin or just shell access. Do you have php admin? If so, we can give you the command you need to change your password through the database.
The short answer is YES
If I cannot do it the tech support on my server can do it for me. Along with the "command" can you give me some ideas as to why the blog software is not sending me an email with the new password? THAT would have solved this whole matter easier :)
a possible answer why you server is not sending email, is because your server 'cannot' send emails..
at least, that the case for my server.
You mean... if in the future I (hopefully never again) loose my password or if one of the users loose theirs they are hooped if it comes to using the " Lost your password ? " feature, found on the login page?
I did not realize that the email feature does not always work if it originates from the software directly.hmmmmm :'(
I guess I better ask tech support at my server about this. :roll:
Urbizzness wrote:
You mean... if in the future I (hopefully never again) loose my password or if one of the users loose theirs they are hooped if it comes to using the " Lost your password ? " feature, found on the login page?
I did not realize that the email feature does not always work if it originates from the software directly.hmmmmm :'(I guess I better ask tech support at my server about this. :roll:
If the stuff in CVS becomes reality then the future will be much better for the occasional "lost password but my server won't send email" situation. That's what I was mistakenly mentioning in my first reply: it looks like the future versions will send you a link to reset your password instead of an email with a new one. That means that once you get your password going again we can try to help you with the cookie issue you first mentioned AND when you upgrade you won't ever have this lost password problem again.
BTW there are no promises that things in CVS make the final release. CVS is where developers test new ideas and get all the bugs out. For all I know that new feature will be removed minutes before the package gets officially released.
Person man wrote:
It's not in a file, it's in your MySQL database. Your webhost should provide some way for you to interact with your databases, whether it's phpmyadmin or just shell access. Do you have php admin? If so, we can give you the command you need to change your password through the database.
I have access to the phpmyadmin, the tech guys gave me the URL to reach it. :D
If you are going to give me the steps for that command, go easy and simple please....it's a newbie your talking to. :lol:
The admin page for the phpadmin looks like the following:
Welcome to phpMyAdmin 2.5.6
MySQL 4.0.24-nt-max running on Urbizzness.com as Urbizzness@......
Create new database [Documentation]
Show processes [Documentation]
Log out
phpMyAdmin documentation
Official phpMyAdmin Homepage
[ChangeLog] [CVS] [Lists]
Ok, in phpmyadmin, make sure that you've selected your database, then go to the sql tab. There should be a big textarea for entering queries. Paste this in:
UPDATE evo_users SET user_pass = '25f9e794323b453885f5181f1b624d0b' WHERE ID =1
Now your account (or the one with id=1, which is probably yours) has its password changed to 123456789 So you can log in with that and change your password. You may want to write it down somewhere this time. :)
Well, well whaddya know :)
The darn thing works.
My first post explains why I got caught in this dilema :oops:
It was not entirely about me forgetting my password, it was more about me troubleshooting incorrectly. I am glad to see that the upgrade will addresss the matter. The devil is in the details HUH? :>
Thanks for your patience....it's all good. :D
What I need to know now is why the cookie is not being placed properly on my PC, even though the browser is not wiping it out.
MY browser does not take any action on cookies, it instead gives me a prompt as to what I want to do with it. Website with cookies are noticed, but when I go to the admin log in page there is no indication by the browser that one is being sent by the blog software.
I have to re-log in as administrator or the #1 account. My wife who has a seperate blog running off the same software does not have that problem.
Have you tried creating a 3rd account, giving it admin privileges and using it for yourself? That might tell us something about what's going on here.
I made an identical account. Level 10 different user name and different password by one digit.
I tried giving the new identity permissions as another user on my original blog and the full use of another blog.
At first there was a conflict in the sense that - the second identity - as "user" of my first blog was restricted and as user of a different blog was fine.
After several runs it seemed to clear up. I made sure that the permissions were all given. First I restricted the 2nd user on one blog and not the other, then I reversed the restrictions.
The new user was allowed full rights into the new blog and full rights into my original blog.
One thing has remained the same though and that is that the bookmarklet requires I re-log in every single time.
Also... if this is relevant I do not know...at no time did my browser ask about a new cookie and what to do about it. I set the "cookie options" to prompt me as to the fate of each and every cookie. Other web site cookies trigger the cookie prompt on my browser, the blog never at anytime.
hope all this makes sense.
It was working once but now it's not. What did you change before it stopped doing cookies correcty? (Must have been something because things just don't change all by themselves.)
Is your wife using a different installation of b2evolution than you are? If she is using the same installation and her cookies act normal then the software is doing it's job. Is she using the same computer as you only logging in as a different user? If so then that means it is how your user profile on your computer is handling cookies.
Please provide a link to your blog. THAT more than anything else will help troubleshoot cookie problems.
To EdB
You wrote:
It was working once but now it's not. What did you change before it stopped doing cookies correcty? (Must have been something because things just don't change all by themselves.)
I am not much help here. I am not sure when the process went off the tracks
Is your wife using a different installation of b2evolution than you are?
No it is the same one.
If she is using the same installation and her cookies act normal then the software is doing it's job. Is she using the same computer as you only logging in as a different user? If so then that means it is how your user profile on your computer is handling cookies.
In windows we use seperate accounts on our PC - that way we both have our own setting etc... in other words she is logging in as a different user on the PC.
Blog software wise - she is using the same installation but has her own different blog.
My blog is http://www.urbizzness.com/blogs/index.php?blog=5
Hers is http://www.urbizzness.com/blogs/index.php?blog=14
I went to her blog in her PC account and sure enough the software IS doing it's job, because with her all is working just fine. The bookmarklet on her account does not require her to log in at all. The bookmarklet on my account constantly wants to be re-logged in. Go figure. :roll:
I'm going to both your blogs to leave a sample comment. Delete them if you like - all I want to do is see the cookies I get from either or both blogs.
I'm no computer expert, but I expect to see cookies happen nicely each time I leave a comment. I will leave a comment on one blog, then delete the cookies, then leave a comment on the other blog. I believe this will help pinpoint the problem to exactly how you have cookie control set up on your account with your browser.
BTW my computer is Windows2000 because I can't afford a shiny new computer and my browser is Firefox because I can't afford to run Internet Exploder. I *might* open Internet Exploder and leave a pair of comments from there, so if you get 4 comments just delete all of them.
I'll be back
What happens when you try to log in to her blog account from your pc account? And vice versa, what if you try to log into your blog account from her pc account?
Good troubleshooting tool personman! I wouldn't have thought of it because I don't have but one user on my PC. If I trust you then you can use my login, otherwise don't sit down at my computer...
I left a comment on the first link and saw that the cookie held for the second link. Therefore I believe your cookies, even though they are different than the cookies I get as a commenter, are working as one would desire.
Do the thing personman asked and see what happens. I feel very confident that you will NOT be able to stay logged in under your PC account in your wife's blog, but that she will be able to stay logged in under her PC account in your blog. That will certainly show that it is *something* about how your PC account is dealing with cookies.
For sure the data is in your MySQL table in the evo_users table, and the field name will be obvious. They do the MD5 hash thing to 'encrypt' it, but you can pull the info out of your cookie on your PC. There are three cookies - one should be something like "evocookiepass". That way you can take it from your cookie and put it back into your database. You would then be back in your admin area again.
Back to your initial cookie concern eh?