1 matthius Aug 23, 2005 21:40
3 personman Aug 23, 2005 22:42
As you've found out, the current version of b2evolution doesn't support having blogs on seperate domains or subdomains. The new version (due out within a month) will support this fully.
4 edb Aug 23, 2005 22:56
I think matthius is playing with the CVS version based on his theoretical $baseurl having a trailing slash. IF that's the case then this might be a "bug" (and I use quotation marks to indicate that I use the term *extremely* loosely) in the CVS version. The problem with calling it a bug is that CVS is, by design, not ready for prime time. Rather than calling it a bug, assuming this is CVS that matthius is refering to, call it a "less than ideal situation". That's fair eh?
So matthius: are you playing with CVS or are you expecting the latest production release to work with different domains and/or subdomains? In the first case I reckon the-powers-that-be will see this and take note. In the second case, well, search for solutions based on using .htaccess to solve the problem. I think Isaac handled all this very well, but I could be very wrong.
5 matthius Aug 24, 2005 22:02
Hey Guys, I'm sorry I forgot to put my version info in that post.
I am indeed using the CVS version - downloaded 2005.08.15.
I have been running hacked CVS versions for around 6 months now. I have 5 blogs all with different domains. I'm aware of the inherent issues with using CVS versions in production environments but I've been fairly successful thus far. I like to contribute to the development effort by writing up my problems and the workarounds I find (if any).
Take care,
- Matt
6 edb Aug 24, 2005 22:19
I'm not on the dev team but I'm pretty sure they appreciate the feedback. It's possible the issue was known about and is already fixed, but I can't say with any certainty. All I do is tinker around the edges...
I've been looking at the latest CVS a lot lately. You probably already know this, but it changes daily. I saw a feature show up that I thought was way cool only to see it go byebye the next day. I hope it comes back!
7 matthius Aug 24, 2005 23:13
Ah yes I know of the temporal nature of CVS. Typically I find a relatively stable version and then hack it myself or apply patches from the newer versions manually if i need them. This is only the third CVS version I've deployed, until now I was just hacking a version from January.
Here's another instance of this (with workaround). In the same environment (blog with diff domain than server), if a user leaves a comment they are redirected improperly after submitting it.
The code responsible is /skins/_feedback.php:160
<input type="hidden" name="redirect_to" value="<?php echo regenerate_url() ?>" />
Changing it to this fixes the problem:
$blogURL = $Blog->get( 'siteurl' );
$redirectURL = regenerate_url('', '', $blogURL);
echo "\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"redirect_to\" value=\"$redirectURL\" />\n";
just in case anyone else suffers from this...
- M