2 edb Aug 28, 2005 04:59

Unfortunately I've tried all kinds of things and can't seem to figure the problem out. I'm hoping someone magically has the answer here, but it's understandable if no solution arises. I just didn't have anywhere else to ask the quick question.
Have you tried taking a sledgehammer to it? Knock EVERYTHING that is actual content out of the sidebar components, leaving only a couple of empty ovals. Actually one will do for this test. If a single oval can form without dropping down then your issue and solution lie in the text. Slowly add one bit of content at a time until you see what causes the drop. Might be multiple things, but that's just a few test cases.
What I mean is you currently have a sidebarcontainer with an h4 and an h3 and a ul and some lis dropping down. I suspect it'll be the h4 if it's not the sidebarcontainer, but it's not a hard test to perform.
If an empty sidebar oval drops down before completing then your issue is probably caused by the other side: the bPosts and bPostsWide things. They call for pixel widths (and if memory serves me) more importantly padding in pixels. Reckon you played there already - just throwing ideas out that might get you where you want to be.
I think I have it working. I found a solution here: http://mboffin.com/post.aspx?id=1824.
Basically, I added the following line to my .bSideItem class:
margin-left: 3px !important;
margin-left: 0px;
The first margin-left is taken up by Firefox (standards compliant browsers) because of the !important tag. IE doesn't pay attention to !important so it takes the second margin-left which avoids dropping the sidebar.
3px was all I needed.
Anyway, hope this holds up after some testing (and when ie7 comes out). But thanks for the help.
A little research can do what a sledgehammer can eventually pound out, only a lot less work involved.
Good to hear it's working.
Well done skin! The ovals are a pretty nifty trick. At first I couldn't figure out why one started at the top in IE but only the text got pushed down.
Have you tinkered with
Since all of your images are aligning properly I figured the issue wasn't in anything calling an image, so I sort of thought about the next obvious place pixels were in demand.
(BTW xampp is stupid. Okay maybe it's not stupid, but it's stupider than me because I can't make it do anything but the demos it claims proves it works.)