2 personman Sep 29, 2005 21:27

I've got a document which I've been using to keep track of all the hacks/plugins/edits I do across my blogs. In it, I have the earlier version of the rechecker (part 3), but before that section I have this automated antispam retriever piece (saved as b2antispam_poll.php) which I was using for my pre-Dawn blogs:
require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . '/../conf/_config.php' );
$login_required = false;
require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . "/$admin_dirout/$core_subdir/_main.php" );
require_once (dirname(__FILE__).'/'.$admin_dirout.'/'.$core_subdir.'/_functions_antispam.php');
followed by this cronjob to run it automatically every 2 hours:
0 */2 * * * /usr/local/bin/php /path/to/your/blog/admin/b2antispam_poll.php
I'm not sure who originally posted that code (mighta been you Ed, or maybe Isaac?) but I'm wondering, is that piece still necessary/desirable to use to go out and get the newest, and then adding your Rechecker for Dawn on top of it? Or does your rechecker handle both aspects? Basically I'm not sure if I should mark that piece in my document as valid only for pre-Dawn releases, as I'm in the process of setting up my first Dawn blog.
The auto-updater (cron job) was an Isaac thing that added another layer of value to the antispam rechecker. It is NOT part of my dawn rechecker, and therefore is a good thing to continue using if you found value in it pre dawn. I personally opted to not use it because, gosh let me think a bit... I'm pretty sure it automagically got the updates AND did the rechecking and deleting of stuff. At the time I felt I'd rather see the new keywords and maybe not use one or two, so I did it manually. In the dawn world, where comment text is subject to the keyword list, you might find that a comment that is not offensive gets caught by a new keyword. Anyway that's where I was at.
If you've got the go-get-it-with-cron hack handy how's about posting it here so people can have it all at one place?
EdB wrote:
If you've got the go-get-it-with-cron hack handy how's about posting it here so people can have it all at one place?
I think there's some overlap with what Isaac did, but I fixed up a script for updating and rechecking via cron and posted it here:
Can Isaac's original b2antispam_poll.php script be used alone, exactly as shown in my post above, and then EdB's new system used in conjunction with it?
Separately, as far as Isaac's script goes, was that all there was to it (the script I posted above) or was there something else that went along with it? Basically Isaac's script would go out every couple hours and get the newest list, and then EdB's dawn rechecker would do the actual rechecking, or am I missing some connection that would have to be made between the two?
Isaac's thing had two files. Mine does all of the same stuff with one file.
Yeah but your post on EdB's blog, and I quote:
"promise to never complain if half of their comment get hosed because of a bad keyword getting added to the blacklist"
freaked me out ;) I'd kinda like to avoid that possibility, ya know?
Isaac's thing works the same way.
Hmm... I wasn't sure because I can't seem to find the second part of the script. I guess you learned me somethin'
I upgraded to 1.6 and jibberjab's simple cron script no longer works. Is it possible to rework the script to work with 1.6?
I tried fixing the path info and substituted _main.inc.php for _main.php and got this output:
[scherry@borg admin]$ php b2antispam_poll.php
Content-type: text/html
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.0
<br />
<b>Warning</b>: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/scherry/www/seat/admin/b2antispam_poll.php:4) in <b>/home/scherry/www/seat/evocore/_session.class.php</b> on line <b>197</b><br />
I figured on doing something about this when b2evolution makes a stable 'production' release. Alpha Beta Finally is the apparent steps we'll take, with 1.6 being Alpha.
Any update on the Re-check hack/plugin for 1.* (particularly 1.10.*)? I really miss this since I upgraded from 0.92.
I modified the b2antispam.php file to let users track down all hits from a given IP:
Hating spammers like it's my job,