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1 Sep 19, 2005 19:15    

I found that b2evolution expects hits to come from a non-secure site (ie address begining with "http://"). So "https://" address don't show up properly in the referers list.

My bug fix (working for realease v. 0.9.1): in b2evocore/_functions_hitlog.php, function log_hit()
l.43 becomes:
$fullCurrentURL = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']. $ReqURI;
l.177 becomes:
$baseDomain = preg_replace("/http:\/\//i", "", $ref);
$baseDomain = preg_replace("/https:\/\//i", "", $baseDomain);

2 Sep 20, 2005 19:17


Those last 2 lines could be reduced to one this way:

$baseDomain = preg_replace("/https?:\/\//i", "", $ref);

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