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1 Oct 04, 2005 04:24    

Is it possible to access an RSS feed for a specific post, rather than per blog? I'm trying to set up something like this:

<a href="<?php $Item->permalink( 'rdf_url', '' ) ?>">RSS for this post</a>

The permalink part seems to work properly, as it's pulling the correct path info of the post. However, the domain part doesn't load the "stub" info. With the method I have above, I could point it statically to one blog, but when I switched blogs (i.e. switched stubs) it would no longer work... How do I call the domain & stub in php?


3 Oct 04, 2005 05:44

Yeah, I had already seen that post, but that adds an RSS feed for each comment. I'm wondering if there's a way to access a feed per-post, not per-comment.


4 Oct 04, 2005 06:15

OOPS! My bad! The probability is you can do it, but I'm very curious why you would want this. Once the post is posted what is the likelyhood that a subscriber will *ever* be told there is something new to read? I mean, unless you are constantly editing a post and want to use RSS to notify the world of the change? If so the hack will work for you assuming you duplicate the regular feed instead of the comment feed, then make appropriate (and hopefully obvious) changes to track your new file.

5 Oct 04, 2005 06:24

I want to set up RSS2PDF so that users can convert an individual post to PDF, rather than converting the contents of the entire blog to PDF. I've been working on it a little more, and here's what I have so far:

<a href="<?php echo $baseurl ?>/<?php $Item->permalink( 'rdf_url', '' ) ?>" title="<?php echo T_('Convert this post to PDF') ?>">Convert to PDF</a>

There's still the stubname missing after the slash though. I can't figure out how to echo the stubname so that it completes the url.


6 Oct 04, 2005 06:49

Okay, I think I got it now...

<?php $Blog->disp( '' ); ?><?php $Item->permalink( 'rdf_url', '' ) ?>

[edit: well, it's definitely feeding the correct address to the pdf translator, but the pdf comes back blank, so maybe there's more to it on the RSS Feed side of things, like it can't be segregated out to just a single post...]


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