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1 Oct 28, 2005 20:39    

I'm triying to create a community based in b2evolution. The people in this community can register and they get automatically a blog that they can manage (based in a hack from this forum).can

Is imposible for me to use linkblog like blogroll because the different users has different links. I want a blogroll than the user can manage from his/her admin menu. Is that posible? The user can't access the templates only they can change the skins.

I need help! (I spend 4 hour trying to find an answer in this forum)

2 Oct 28, 2005 20:48

Can you explain what you are trying to do for each user?

You are able to make a unique linkblog for every user no matter what skin they are using, and you can set it so that only they can add or remove links from it.

You can also make a shared linkblog that everyone uses. I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish.

3 Oct 28, 2005 22:04

Your are probably looking for a blogroll plug-in for [url=]b2evolution[/url]. I don't know any of such a plugin for [url=]b2evolution[/url]. I have written a fixed blogroll (not customizable by user) on my site using [url=]Magpie RSS - PHP RSS Parser[/url].

This plug-in request should be written into the [url=]Request a Plugin or Hack[/url] forum.

4 Oct 29, 2005 13:11

Thanks for your answers.
The subject describes what i want exactly.
one user -> one blog -> one blogroll (editable by user)

5 Oct 29, 2005 13:55

You certainly can use a linkblog like a blogroll. Way back in the day what is now called linkblog used to be called blogroll. The way it works is that ANY blog can be used as a linkblog by any blog. In other words, you could use blog #2 as the linkblog for blog #3, and #4 for #5, and #6 for blogs 7 and 8 and 9, then use no linkblog for blog #10. You can even use a blog as it's own linkblog if you wanted to. What you will have to do is manually create a linkblog for each blogger since the hack, assuming you're using my hack, doesn't do it for you. I just didn't think of it back then.

Truth be told, I upgraded the hack so that it automagically creates a linkblog when it creates a blog and gives the blogger posting permissions in both. Of course it sets the new linkblog as the linkblog for the new blog. Problem is I lost everything when my PC died. Now I have to wait for someone to send me an email so I can get login credentials on the server I uploaded the files to before I can offer the enhanced hack. Oh well!

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