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1 Nov 24, 2005 23:23    


i'm trying to simplify my Edit Form. I want to set things as default as possible.
I want to remove the following items from the Form:

[1] URL Title & Auto <BR> options
[2] List of Renders (i have made the ones i needed Default and disabled the ones i will never use)
[3] Upload Image button (since this is not very usefull and i want to use Imageshack for my Images to save bandwith)

I have created an Screenshot to clarify things.


The PHP file has some IF functions for these items but i have not been able to find where to disable them or make them default.
I hope someone is able to tell me how to accomplish this..

I also would like to implement the ImageShack Iframe (see
I have not been able to find a good place to paste the following HTML into the Template. The iFRAME code is as follows:

<iframe src="" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" width="280" height="70">Update your browser for!</iframe>

2 Nov 25, 2005 01:03

Thinking about Phoenix, the next major version to be released, this should get handled with a "simplified Admin Skin".

We don't have one yet, nor do we have hooks for this, but that would be the way to go.

ATM you could just go to those IFs and put an "0 &&" at the beginning of the condition and they'll always evaluate to false.

But regarding the renderers it seems you rather want to hide just the fieldset, so that the default ones get set when you save the post. You could do the same with the other elements:

Find out the HTML ID of the element (hoping that they have one) and then in the .css file use

#id_of_elemen { display:none; }

I've just looked at Phoenix' code, and there are no elements yet, at least for the Files and Upload button, so you probably have to add them, if you want to use the CSS-method for them (I'd just comment the Upload button out).

Hope that helps.

3 Nov 25, 2005 07:35

blueyed wrote:

But regarding the renderers it seems you rather want to hide just the fieldset, so that the default ones get set when you save the post. You could do the same with the other elements:

Find out the HTML ID of the element (hoping that they have one) and then in the .css file use

#id_of_elemen { display:none; }

I think hiding it through the CSS is indeed the way to go. How can i find the Element-ID of the Items i need to hide?

4 Nov 25, 2005 08:25

AUTOBR looks like this:

// --------------------------- AUTOBR -------------------------------------- 	?>
		<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="post_autobr" value="1" <?php
		 if( $post_autobr ) echo ' checked="checked"' ?> id="autobr" tabindex="6" /><label for="autobr">
		<strong><?php echo T_('Auto-BR') ?></strong> <span class="notes"><?php echo T_('This option is deprecated, you should avoid using it.') ?></span></label><br />

Where can i use the 0 && ?? I tried it with the IF but that does not work..

5 Nov 25, 2005 08:44

I found out that placing a <div id="autobr">...</div> worked. I have been able to hide the AutoBR and the Upload button in the CSS.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction

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