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1 Nov 26, 2005 17:50    

Hi all...long time no post.

My CSS is based on Custom, but it is highly "customized". I've just been tweaking my last frontier...the comments form. It's pretty much the way I want it, but there are two little <span>s that I cannot get to position the way I want:

"Your email address will not be displayed on this site."

"Your URL will be displayed."

Here's the corresponding CSS:

form.bComment fieldset span.notes

	font-size: 80%;
	color: white;
	/* border: 3px solid cyan; */
	white-space: normal;

Now, I know about "float" and "clear" but they seem to do more harm than good, not only to these two lines of text but also to the other blocks that have the same style lower down on the form.

I think if I could just put a <br> after the input fields for the email and URL, I could avoid the problem. But I don't know where to put such a break in the php.

Note that this problem does not exist in Francois Planque's original version of Custom. So it must have something to do with other margins, placements, etc, that are particular to my version.

Thanks for your help.


2 Nov 26, 2005 17:59

form.bComment fieldset span.notes
	font-size: 80%;
	color: white;
	/* border: 3px solid cyan; */
	white-space: normal;


3 Nov 26, 2005 18:28




4 Nov 26, 2005 18:40

Thanks, ¥åßßå, your code fixed the problem I raised...but...

It messed up the display of the Options:

(Line breaks become <br />)

Remember me
(Set cookies for name, email & url)

But you know, I'd rather just delete that whole Options section from the form. Can you tell me how to do that? I thought I just deleting what seemed to be the correct part of comment_post...but the Options are still displaying.

Thanks again.


5 Nov 26, 2005 18:53

ok, this is taken from the cvs version so the code may differ slightly.

in skins/custom/_feedback.php find something that looks like this :-

				<div class="label"><?php echo T_('Options') ?>:
				<?php if( (substr($comments_use_autobr,0,4) == 'opt-') && (! is_logged_in()) )
				{ // Ladies and gentlemen, check out the biggest piece of anti IE-layout-bugs
					// crap you've ever seen:
					echo '<br />&nbsp;'; // make the float a little higher
				} ?>
				<div class="input">
				<?php if( substr($comments_use_autobr,0,4) == 'opt-') { ?>
				<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="comment_autobr" value="1" <?php if($comments_use_autobr == 'opt-out') echo ' checked="checked"' ?> tabindex="6" id="comment_autobr" /> <label for="comment_autobr"><?php echo T_('Auto-BR') ?></label> <span class="notes">(<?php echo T_('Line breaks become &lt;br /&gt;') ?>)</span><br />
				<?php }
				if( ! is_logged_in() )
				{ // User is not logged in:
					<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="comment_cookies" value="1" checked="checked" tabindex="7" id="comment_cookies" /> <label for="comment_cookies"><?php echo T_('Remember me') ?></label> <span class="notes"><?php echo T_('(Set cookies for name, email &amp; url)') ?></span>
				} ?>

and replace it with :-

			<input type="hidden" name="comment_autobr" value="1" />
			<input type="hidden" name="comment_cookies" value="1" />


6 Nov 26, 2005 23:33

Hi ¥åßßå,

OK, something of a crisis now!

I tried following your advice and lost my whole sidebar! And stupidly I never backup these php files when I modify them. So I replaced _feedback.php with another version, and now my comments form is totally different, and I can't figure out what style tags are controlling it!

Can you tell me what's going on? Actually the new layout is better, but I need to understand how to apply my css to it.



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