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1 Dec 12, 2005 08:34    

Can anyone please tell me in which file or files the Next page | Previous page in the post summary page and the Next | Previous in the sidebar are located.

Thanks, :!:

2 Dec 13, 2005 18:02

The posts_nav_link() function is defined in /b2evocore/_functions_bposts.php

3 Dec 15, 2005 11:09

Yes, but where is the one for the sidebar? I'm having problem translating the PREVIOUS | NEXT in the sidebar. I translated evey NEXT and PREVIOUS in the .po file but the one in the sidebar refuse to show in Arabic.

Please see the sidebar in my Arabic blog:

Thanks for your help.

4 Dec 15, 2005 14:53

It looks like the Kubrick2evo skin defines the words that go there in the sidebar, rather than letting the default translation come through. It should be easy to fix. Find this code in /skins/Kubrick2evo/_main.php:

<?php posts_nav_link( ' | ', '< '.T_('Previous'), T_('Next').' >' ); ?>

and change it to:

<?php posts_nav_link(); ?>

5 Dec 16, 2005 08:00

Thank you personman,

It worked and I need to ask you one more favor.

Where is CSS class to control this. I used this code:

<h4><?php echo posts_nav_link(); ?></h4>

But no matter how small I make h3 fontsie. It does not seem to affect it.

6 Dec 16, 2005 14:39

This should work:

#bSideBar h4 {
font-size: 50%;

7 Dec 16, 2005 15:44


<?php <h4><?php echo posts_nav_link(); ?></h4>

isn't right. It should be

<h4><?php echo posts_nav_link(); ?></h4>

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