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1 Dec 14, 2005 18:53    


I've a little problem in displaying linkblog. I want get rid of "permalinks" and the write immediatly under "linkblog", called "siti amici".
I've already erased the lines

if(!isset($linkblog_catname_before)) $linkblog_catname_before = '<h4>';
	if(!isset($linkblog_catname_after)) $linkblog_catname_after = '</h4><ul>';

and replaced them with this one:

 if(!isset($linkblog_catlist_start)) $linkblog_catlist_start = '<ul>'; 

This method work for my other skin (as suggested by Yabba The Great), but seems doesn't work with it.

You can take a look of my blog [url=]here[/url].

2 Dec 14, 2005 18:57

lol, hi Francesco, post the code from your linkblog.php ?


3 Dec 14, 2005 19:15

Hail Yabba The Omnipresent,

here it is the code you requested (or you have requested?):

	 * This is the template that displays the linkblog
	 * This file is not meant to be called directly.
	 * It is meant to be called by an include in the _main.php template.
	 * b2evolution - {@link}
	 * Released under GNU GPL License - {@link}
	 * @copyright (c)2003-2005 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link}
	 * @package evoskins
	 * @subpackage custom
	if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

	# maximum number of linkblog entries to display:
	if(!isset($linkblog_limit)) $linkblog_limit = 20;
	# global linkblog delimiters:
	if(!isset($linkblog_main_start)) $linkblog_main_start = '<div class="postBox"><div class="boxTop">'.T_('Linkblog').'</div>';
	if(!isset($linkblog_main_end)) $linkblog_main_end = '</div>';
	# Category delimiters:
	if(!isset($linkblog_catname_before)) $linkblog_catname_before = '<h4>';
	if(!isset($linkblog_catname_after)) $linkblog_catname_after = '</h4><ul>';
	if(!isset($linkblog_catlist_end)) $linkblog_catlist_end = '</ul>';
	# Item delimiters:
	if(!isset($linkblog_item_before)) $linkblog_item_before = '<li>';
	if(!isset($linkblog_item_after)) $linkblog_item_after = '</li>';

	 * This skin has no special formatting for the linkblog, so...
	 * However you can replace this file with the full handler (in /blogs) and customize it!
	 * all we want to do here, is call the default linkblog handler.
	require get_path('skins').'_linkblog.php';


I pasted the original one, without the modify I wrote about in the former post.


I almost solved my problem by modifying the code this way:

	 * This is the template that displays the linkblog
	 * This file is not meant to be called directly.
	 * It is meant to be called by an include in the _main.php template.
	 * b2evolution - {@link}
	 * Released under GNU GPL License - {@link}
	 * @copyright (c)2003-2005 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link}
	 * @package evoskins
	if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

	if( !isset( $linkblog ) )
	{	// No link blog explicitely specified, we use default:
		$linkblog = $Blog->get('links_blog_ID');

	if( ! $linkblog )
	{	// No linkblog blog requested for this blog

	# maximum number of linkblog entries to display:
	if(!isset($linkblog_limit)) $linkblog_limit = 20;
	# global linkblog delimiters:
	if(!isset($linkblog_main_start)) $linkblog_main_start = '<div class="postBox"><div class="boxTop">'.T_('Linkblog').'</div><p>';
	if(!isset($linkblog_main_end)) $linkblog_main_end = '</p></div>';
	# Category delimiters:
	 if(!isset($linkblog_catlist_start)) $linkblog_catlist_start = '<ul>'; 
	if(!isset($linkblog_catlist_end)) $linkblog_catlist_end = '</ul><br />';
	# Item delimiters:
	if(!isset($linkblog_item_before)) $linkblog_item_before = '<li>';
	if(!isset($linkblog_item_after)) $linkblog_item_after = '</li>';

	// --- //

	// Load the linkblog blog:
	$LinkblogList = & new ItemList( $linkblog, array(), '', '', '', $linkblog_cat, $linkblog_catsel, '', 'ASC',
																	'main_cat_ID title', $linkblog_limit, '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
																	'posts', $timestamp_min, $timestamp_max );

	// Dirty trick until we get everything into objects:
	$saved_blog = $blog;
	$blog = $linkblog;

	// Open the global list
	echo $linkblog_main_start;

	$previous_cat = '';
	$linkblog_cat = '';

	while( $Item = $LinkblogList->get_category_group() )

		while( $Item = $LinkblogList->get_item() )
			echo $linkblog_item_before;
			echo $linkblog_item_after;

		// Close cat
		echo $linkblog_catlist_end;
	// Close the global list
	echo $linkblog_main_end;

	// Restore after dirty trick:
	$blog = $saved_blog;

This returns a perfect layout on firefox, and some little spacing problem on IE. Since I use firefox and invite my visitors to do the same, it isn't a major problem. Anyway, any help will be (obviously) appreciated.


4 Dec 15, 2005 13:10

Hi Francesco,

If you copy linkblog.php from your leaf skin it will work the same way ;)


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