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1 Jan 05, 2006 08:31    

I am using 1.6-Alpha
And when someone registers if they use a capital letter in their login name it will register them but when they try to log in it says Wrong login/password.

Now if i create the account in the admin section it works with the capital letters?

Any way I fix it so they can register with caps and then login?


2 Jan 08, 2006 22:56

The problem is that usernames are handled/converted internally to lowercase.

When you create a new user through the admin it gets converted to lowercase. But on registration it does not.

The fix is:

in /evocore/_usercache.class.php find

$this->cache_login[$Obj->login] = & $Obj;

(in method add()) and replace this line with

$this->cache_login[ strtolower($Obj->login) ] = & $Obj;


This will be fixed in the beta.

3 Jan 09, 2006 08:57

Thanks for the help blueyed.
That fixed it.

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