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1 Feb 07, 2006 21:48    

Here's a minor feature request. When I comment on my own post and I have comment notification emails turned on, I get an email. Doesn't seem very useful. When I see the new email I get all excited, thinking that my new Nigerian business partner has finally got the money I wired him and is ready to send my my reward. But alas, it's just the notification email.

It would be nice if that were disabled by default, or at least could be turned off with a setting. I'm noticing this on 1.7-CVS, but I think it works the same way in the 0.9.x versions.

2 Mar 05, 2006 11:51

Yeah, would be great to have this option in the 'subscription' page - 'Suppress notification for Own Post & Comment'.

Some paranoia people might want that feature turned OFF just to be sure his server is indeed sending out emails notification. :)

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