2 village_idiot Mar 24, 2006 19:51

Yer spose, i dunno...
Thats there because like for someone wanting to release a postskin and they needed to hack the backend for it to work, i do not want that getting released, instead i want the developer to talk to me and we can see what i can do.
I spose ill let it fly, but just have some guidlines for developers and users.
For Lightality Hacks
1) Contact me if you whish to do something, or are curious about something
2) Go for it, Or i go for it, Or we both go for it...
3) We compare results
4) We make a decision
5) We release it
Yer so like for b2evo, say i just thought up the autosave feature, i go post my idea on it, see if other people are interested, get the go from the developer, then whoever is chosen starts developing it, submits their results, then we work on implementing it.
Yer so really i jsut want every hack and things to be posted about.
I dunno ill release it, see how it goes, and if i don't like how something is going development wise ill see if i can change it.
Like really I want all Lightality installations to share the same feel and experience, yer i know.
All things that go by me i stick on a Verified badge or sumthing.
Allright sounds good now for my other things, just give a credit if it is used, thats just the GPL license isnt it?
As the girl said to the sailor..
"Put it out there and it will get messed with"
I think you can have conditions that give you some sort of "legal" comfort ( not a lot I expect) but at the end of the day you can't realy expect to have tight control over your good work.
It's the nature of the www beast and expect to be disappointed.
I hope it works out well and that the majority respect your wishes
Yer well i thought up a seal or sumthing, so if i know about and i validate it, then they can show the validated seal on their site, or mod.
So no the only limitation is giving a credit to me, so anyone know which license i should go for?
Heres a preview of the seals idea;
Off topic, but youre best to let that go, or dont bother releasing it