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1 Mar 30, 2006 20:21    

Any ideas about what I am doing wrong?

I have a blogs page at I uses a skin called eastultimate. The skin should create a two-column layout. Using Firefox, if one goes to or directly, only one column appears.

Normally I would think I had goofed on the formatting but here's the weird thing: Hitting reload properly reformats the page to two columns. (It also strikes me as weird that the direct links work fine in IE - is that aggravating or what?)

I wonder whether it has something to do with failing to delete some default page or another, but I am really utterly baffled.

2 Mar 30, 2006 21:23

Works fine for me in FF on the first try. Maybe FF is showing you a cached version of the page. Clear your cache and see if that stops it.

3 Mar 30, 2006 21:51

Thanks for the quick response and for your help. I'm glad it works for you - that means that not everyone is seeing a badly laid out page!

If I start on the home page, clear the cache, and click on the "News & Blogs" link (, no problem: there are the two columns. But if I then return to the home page and click on the same link, the blog page comes up with one column. Same thing happens even if I clear cache, shut down FF.

If I navigate to some other page, like nytimes, clear the cache, and go to the blogs directly, the display is 2 columns. But if I then return to the nytimes and then return to the blog page - one column.

As I said, this is making me crazy. (And there stands IE mocking me by displaying the page correctly. Maddening.)

If FF is caching something, it must be doing it when the page is displayed properly and then not displaying the cache correctly? Or is it caching some intermediate step that is not displayed?

EDIT: BTW, same thing happens with the other individual blogs.

4 Mar 30, 2006 22:03

I was able to replicate the problem. I just kept clicking on the News link at the top and one out of every 4-6 page loads puts the right sidebar at the bottom of the page. It seems pretty random. I never messed with my cache at all. My only guess, and it is nothing more than a wild guess, is that the absolutely positioned menu bar at the top of the page is related to this problem. Try commenting that part out of the php and the css and see if the problem goes away.

5 Mar 30, 2006 22:17

personman wrote:

I just kept clicking on the News link at the top and one out of every 4-6 page loads puts the right sidebar at the bottom of the page. It seems pretty random.


I tried it your way and my results were even worse - one correct out of 7 or 8. Curious that hitting refresh always makes it display correctly - that would make it seem somehow, or at least in part, cache-related.

I'll fiddle with the absolute positioning of the menu bar. (Painful that I only used absolute positioning to cope with IE problems.)

6 Apr 11, 2006 02:30

Interesting one. I get the same symptoms - intermittent placing of the div.right nav bar between div.left and div.bottom. When you have the problem the div.right has dimensions of 1553x631; when the page displays correctly, it has dimensions of 311x631. [My screen resolution is 1600x1200]

I'd try hard coding the width instead of using 20% and see if you still have the problem.

Have you tried downloading [url=] the Web Developer[/url] extension?


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