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1 Apr 09, 2006 00:47    

Here is a little code to put in your _main.php file under your skin's directory. It looks best at the end of each post.

&bull; <a href="<?php $Blog->disp( 'rdf_url', 'raw' ) ?>%26title=<?php echo $Item->urltitle ?>&src=rss&title=&img=1" title="Print "<?php $ttl = $Item -> title; $ttl = str_replace('"', '', $ttl); echo $ttl; ?>" as a PDF Document">Print</a>

I struggled with getting this to ouput only one post for a while and finally got it to work by changing &title to %26title (the way it appears in IE browser).

There is a slight issue with really long posts in that the first page of the PDF document will be blank except for the blog header/post title. Other than that, it works great.

Comments, complaints, suggestions, etc. all welcome.

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